Chapter 32 : * Wedding Plans *

Both Prince and Larene are excited as they prepared for their wedding. As the days pass by, both Prince and Larene had been busy in processing and preparing for their wedding. Karen assisted Larene in everything including looking for a wedding venue and invitations when Prince is not available because of his work but in more important details they are always together as couple .. The couple wanted a quiet and exclusive wedding as requested by Larene, she don't want a big wedding, besides her parents will never be around to witness her wedding ,she don't want to be an ingrate to her own family ,but how could she reveal to Prince family that she's not human without causing a major problem? anyway Prince had been very cooperative to all her decision and she's loving him more because for that.

" I am excited to have our own family , to have our kids running around here in the park and at the house and happily playing ", Prince told Larene one sunday morning after jogging ,as they sit in the bench of the park staring at kids playing around with their parents for morning exercises.

" I am excited too !", Larene replied.

" I am just curious , how are you going to bear our children , are you going to give birth in a natural way or you'll deposit fertilize eggs to a plant leaves and sprung out with human image or wait till it grows like a butterfly did? just like how it was shown on t..v. ?", Prince innocently ask.

" What ? ...of course that's not true, our children grows inside our belly and we give birth to them at the right time !", Larene explained.

" Ah okay!,,, because I had seen on kiddy cartoons shows that fairies place their children inside a leaves of the plant then when they were born they fly out of the leaves and hoowaa...they comes out and already fairies ", Prince said.

" Realy ? ... that's not true, fairies give birth like humans ", Larene insist.

" How d'you know how human give birth ?", Prince interested of how Larene will explained .

" Because right now I am a medical student and we learned it at school ,and I want to apply what I learned in our kingdom ,I won't be the first doctor in Mt.Canla, your father Sultan Sota is a doctor by profession and he was a general practitioner !", Larene told him.

"I have no idea actually, I thought he was just using his fingers with magic powers if there is something he wants to do ", Prince said.

" Teleportation is one of our power, and that makes our life much more easier than yours ", Larene proudly told him.

" Sadly that is not included with my power , how I wish I had ", Prince said.

" Because you are human, your power has limits, at least you have powers ,for us we can teleport but compared to your power being sultan child we are nothing ", Larene said, they just stop talking when they notice some people at the park look at their direction , listening to their discussion maybe wondring what they are talking about. Prince hold Larene's hand and they walk back home.

Prince realize that there are a lot of things he doesn't know about the other half of his own existence. Larene had informed him about Sultan ,he felt like a stupid because he had no idea that his future wife was a future doctor. He was always busy at work and he never asked about Larene personal where about but he strives to spend his dinner with Larene and his family at home and which makes his parents very happy.

He makes it sure to take care of his grandfather's business , he don't want to disappoint them. His grandparents are elated when his mother break them the news of his forthcoming wedding. But they don't like the idea that they are already living together in their home.

" What? allowed them to live in your house eventhough their not yet married ?", his grandmother asked Karen.

" Mom, we're not even aware that Larene was already sleeping with him in our house before we discover them in his room !" , Karen

reiterated .

" What kind of a woman is that Larene ? she has no moral value ?", being conservative such news is scandalous for the older woman.

" Actually she's a nice girl mom, very kind yet still young, but I like her ,besides they love each other very much " , Karen relayed.

" Then if that's the case then we can do nothing but to welcome her in our family , I trust you in judging a good character of a person, if you have such a good impression of her then she must really be good ", her mother in law agreed.

"Thanks for your trust mom, but as I can see, she makes your grandson happy and that 's what important for me ", Karen vouch for Larene. Then after a few more words and her mother in law ask things about Joseph's health condition, being a cancer survivor they want him to have more contented and easier life that's why at such young age they are happy that Prince was responsible and a bit lucky at business because soon they will open a new branch for their business as a proof of his hard work.

" We will be coming and I want a grand wedding for my grandson ", her mother in law announcement.

" I'm sure Prince will be very happy if you come to attend his wedding mom, but they don't want a grand and big wedding , they want a quiet and exclusive for the family only wedding ", Karen inform her.

" What ?... of course not ! we have money to be spent for his wedding !", her mom in law retorded .

" It's their wedding mom, they want a grand and fabulous wedding if Larene family can attend but they cannot, maybe someday if they're arround ", Karen explained.

" Oh ... I see...", her mom inlaw nodding said , it takes a lot of persuading before her mom inlaw agreed to the couple's decision. Her mom inlaw had decided not to come if because they had already decided a simple wedding ,they will going to meet Larene someday anyway because she will be a part of their family after the wedding.

Valie had realize that Larene had chosen a good man with good family and she's happy for her young madame decision. For sure she will be happy being the wife of Prince . She was helping Karen in her daily task she has no complain on how their family treated her and that is as family as well like Larene.

One friday afternoon, she accompanied Karen on her grocery purchases because she's not so busy and Larene was in school.

Valie notice one suspicious person just outside of the family's home. A sudden nervousness strike Valie heart, she know something was off about that person it might be that Ono had already know that Larene and Prince are already living together just like a married couple.

Right now she can do nothing but wait for the consequences of Larene's options which she has no right to judge if it was right or wrong choice.

Larene was quiet after she told her about her observation about that guy , and she has a strong feeling that man was one of Ono's spy that watch after them.

" You'd better tell Prince ,so he will know the truth and be aware of his own brother's conspiracy with your parents so he won't be left in the dark when the time come ", Valie adviced.

" I don't want to bother him with my problem ," Larene decided.

" But he will be your husband ,naturally he would like to be able to protect you, your problems will automatically be his problem ", Valie persuaded.

" Please Valie, let this be a secrer between you and me right now , after our wedding I will go and talk to my parents ", Larene begged.

" Young madame, you are suppose to clear things up with general Ono and your parents first begore you marry Prince ", Valie insisted this is not just the first time she talk to her about this.

" Please , I beg you to trust me for this, I know if I told them about this they will not allow me to come back here , they will force me to marry Ono to avoid him to terrorize my family , you know how cruel he is ", Larene reasoned out.

" Yeah're right ! anyway Prince is his brother and they both has powers ,but he might resort to surprised attack if Prince doesn't know and Prince family are all human ,they can do nothing to fight back ", Valie reminded Larene.

" Please let us not talk about this ! it's not helping us, but give us more worries and stress ", Larene said.

" Aren't you worried that his family might be in danger because of your decision ?", Valie told her trying to put some sense in her.

" In such a short time I had learned to love them, they are much more better parents than mine , of course I will protect them ,no matter what! I will never let anybody to come and hurt them or put their lives in danger ", Larene determined words...