Chapter 33 : * General Ono *

He was so tired after a night spent with a harlot that almost drained his strength with her sexual prowess, he always spend his precious time with this woman Tarefa who is skilled in the art of lovemaking sleeping beside him to ease his boredom and stress. His wives can't stop him from getting a harlot for sexual satisfaction and he had no plan to give up this harlot even after he marry Larene that's for sure..

" General, Gari is here , he wants to talk to you!", his assistant Atunga announced , he immediately get up from his bed and pick up his clothes scattered in the floor and go out of his room to wait for the man in the adjoining sala , he is excited to hear news about his Larene , he had assigned Gari to spy Larene and watch all of her activities , he don't want anybody to get near his love , he had seen Larene as a child everytime she visit her older sister Santina the fifth wife of his father and her beauty as a child was very unique that draws his attention and be watchful until she grows up and transformed into a real beauty , he can't take his eyes away from her when she's around that's why he bribed her parents just to allow him to marry her but she continously declined but because of his insistent her parents had decided to set up a marriage with him but she bargained that the marriage will take place after she finish her studies in the human world. He agreed and he had no choice but to allow reach her dream and patiently wait for her graduation.

" Let him in !", Ono answered sitting in his sofa bed , he motion for him to sit in the adjacent seat.

" General , I have bad news ", Gari begin.

" Hurry ,spill it out ", impatiently Ono said.

" Larene will be getting married tomorrow ", Gari told him directly.

" What ?... married to whom?... why I am not informed ?..!.", Ono's voice raise in the highest octave ,which surprised and scare those militars outside of his post that are busy on their training , as well as the harlot that sleep inside his room. Tarefa was very pale and trembling as she comes out of the room and secretly leave the place. She doesn't ask permission to leave because she's afraid that the general will hurt her if she mumbled a word. She wish that the general will make her one of his wives because only she can appease his lust , but in this angry state of the general she will not dare to interrupt.

" To your human brother ", Gari said as he

bow his head hoping that the general will not kill him because of his incapability.

" How did this happened? I send you there to watch after her , then you'll tell me she'll marry Prince. How this things slip on your sight ?", Ono shout angrily at Gari.

" I'm so sorry general , but I've never seen Prince visited Larene or they had never dated, after school Larene was in their condo with Valie and she'll comes out in the morning for school again ,as I see her she seems crazy inlove with your brother ", Gari said

" You're so incompetent with your work", Ono angrily beat Gari as if he wanted to kill him with his bare hands.

" Right now they already live at Prince house and living like that of husband and wife and Valie lived with them ", Gari told him.

" Nòooo !!... why you don't tell me as soon as you know ? you useless bastard !!", Gari had said nothing and just let the general pour out his anger at him , wondring why he seems very angry and almost want to kill him if infact he laid a harlot and stay with him here in this place . which probably the reason why Larene despise him. He personally saw how bad Larene treated the general but the general found such treatment cute and all he did was beg to show respect to him infront of the watchful eyes of his men. But he is very cruel with his two wives in just a little offense he slap them , they can't say anything hurtful to him.

" Goooo!!! or else I might kill you useless moron", he shouted and motion angrily to Gari to leave so the man hurriedly out of the room limping because of the punches he received from the general.

" We will go to the human world tomorrow to see Larene and bring her back here in Canla island ", Ono decided.

" I'm so sorry if I'll say this general , but I think Larene don't want to marry you , why don't you just take Tarefa as a wife instead if infact you want her to be by your side always ?", Atunga ask when Ono requested him to bring his favorite wine. He is so enrage that he almost killed Gari.

" Noo ! you know how much I love Larene and I will never allow anybody to take her away from me ! I had waited this long for her !", Ono lamented.

" Even if it's your brother that she wants to be with ?", Atunga ask.

" I don't care if he is my brother I will going to kill anybody that will take Larene away from me !", as Ono clenched his hand.

" How about Tarefa general ? ", Atunga wants to know.

" She's nothing to me , she's just a willing lay when I need one! ", Ono angrily retorded.

" Tomorrow we will visit Larene's parents to let them know of what's Larene was up to in the human world ", Ono said.

" Yes general ", Atunga replied

The next day both Larene's parents are very upset when they heard of the news that Larene was seeing other man and even planned on marrying that person.Her father angrily gritted his teeth and her mother was very upset upon hearing the news from him.

The general wants them to be angry to Larene as well and to the man she wants to marry.

" Who is the man she is with?", her mother ask.

" My human brother ,Prince !", Ono snap.

" What ? didn't you assigned someone to spy on them ! ", her father wonder.

" Yes I did , I also don't know how she became acquainted with that brother of mine , Gari said he never saw him comes out after school she just stay home, then all of a sudden she is already living with Prince.

" Prince is your brother? I heard her talk to Valie about the other son of sultan whose name is Prince , and they're giggling as they talk about hin ", Larene's mother remembered which make the furious because of what he heard from her mother. They know how much the general wanted to marry Larene though they never listen to her disapproval when they as parents agreed because of the golds that Ono paid them as bribe so they will agree to his proposal and they force Larene to agree.

But they never expected that she is interested to the half human son of sultan , right now they can't say anything about Prince, they are not allow to speak ill against the other brother cause if someone hears surely they'll be punish . Specially they heard that he is one of the favorite of sultan.

" I will go to the human world and I will bring Larene back home ", with full of sarcasm and pain Ono told them.

" We left to you the decision regarding that general , if you 'll go there we beg you to take care of my daughter , we don't want her harmed please ", Larene's mother said.

" Don't worry I love your daughter so much , hurting her is the last thing I have in mind right now " , the general replied..

" Then we entrust to you the life of our daughter and we hope you 'll succeed in taking her back with you ", Larene's father know that at the general's mood and anger he might be able to hurt their daughter severely but of course as parents they don't want Larene be in danger no matter how bad her action had been. If the general hadn't insisted they hadn't give in to his bethrotal agreement because Larene loathe the general's ruthlessness and cruelty when he is angry..

" I surely will, that brother of mine had no right to take away my woman from me !", Ono said, anger is visible in his eyes , the couple knew how much he love their daughter and they wish his love for their daughter will prevent him from hurting their youngest daughter whom they loved so much. They wanted the best for their daughter if they had to choose right now to be with Larene it should be Prince who is a good one but of course they can't say that to the general who had exerted a lot of effort for their youngest daughter. They know how much Ono love Larene and he did a lot just to get her to agree to be his wife .