Chapter 34 : * Chaos For Love *

The couple are happy as their wedding day was near at hand , Prince parents are more busy for the preparations . They want to give Prince the best wedding though they decided a simple and exclusive for family only wedding , they want it to be memorable as it can be . Larene's parents cannot attend but they know it's not the first time that parents can't attend their childrens wedding, maybe just to avoid more complications.

Both Larene and Valie knows they can contact Larene's parents because just like in the human world they have means of communication like celfone but it was her young madame decision not to inform her parents. But they both knew that both her parents and Ono are well informed about them because they send spy to watch their every move , though it makes Larene very upset she can do nothing about it.

As the wedding day is near approaching Valie is getting nervous ,since he notice that guy observing their every move she seem expecting trouble coming their way. But as there is nothing unfortunate event happening to confirm her bad assumption she silently agreed that maybe her young madame is right on her point of view. She don't want to be the reason of her young madame sadness by assuming wrongly.

" Valie ?! ... what 's wrong ?", Karen ask Larene's maid when she saw her sulking

while doing Larene's laundry.

" Nothing ma'am , I'm just a bit worried because until now my young madame did not inform her family about her wedding ,"Valie told Karen.

" Yeah you're right , but it's their wedding so if they don't want her parents to be around it's okay they're at the right age to decide ,it's their decision that will prevail for their own wedding ", Karen said .

" It will be a big trouble if they know , but still I prefer her to be honest to avoid complications ", according to Valie which Karen agreed.

" What do you mean ? what kind of trouble or complications ?", suddenly interested Karen ask.

" Nothing ...", Valie covered her mouth as though she suddenly realize her faulty words while shaking her head.

" Actually , I prefer it too ,but is there any particular reason why she wants to keep their relationship secretly from her family ?", Karen ask seeing Valie reaction.

" Sorry ma'am Karen , I am not in the right position to tell , just wait for her to tell when the right time came " , Valie told her , then focus her attention back to her laundry which bother Karen because of the unanswered questions in her mind. She felt that there is a big secret behind that both Valie and Larene kept from them, she wants to ask Valie about the truth she's worried because it's her son who might get caught in the middle of it ,but right now she couldn't force Valie for the truth ,ahhh, she's worried being a mother for the welfare of her son.

" I just hope that secret will not harm my son and our family , that your little secret will not blow up into uncontrollable situation !", Karen meaningful burst out before she walk away from Valie that gasp out loud when she heard what Karen said.

" I'm so sorry , but it will definitely cause a big trouble and danger to your family !", Valie thought quietly staring at the retreating figure of Prince mother. Tomorrow will be the wedding she wish that no chaos will come that will stop the wedding. Larene was very excited as she look at the simple wedding gown she'll wear tomorrow at the judge office.

Prince came home late that night because he had some important document that needs his attention immediately. He was just consider as the General Manager and acting as the company CEO which is his father's actual position that was entrusted to him without legally transferring to him. After his cancer survival they wanted his father to just enjoy and have a good time ,that's why they decided to let him rest and Prince just call him for more important decisions to settle.

Being married the next day is not an excuse for him to slacken his attention to their business luckily Larene understand such

things and she never demand for more attention.

Knowing that Prince is loyal to her and to their relationship and he comes home to her every night is more than enough for her she has no reason to complain.

" Sorry I'm late , there's a lot of works in the office that can't wait til tomorrow ", Prince apologetically said as he kiss her on her cheek when she stand up from the sofa , he is aware that she's waiting for him and it's nearly 11 p..m...

" It's okay , I know you'll be busy because tomorrow you won't be at the office for the whole day.", Larene replied smiling.

" How's your study ? don't you have friends at the university that you invited to attend our wedding ?", Prince asked.

" Actually I don't have any friends at school !", Larene replied.

" Why ? you're the only student I've known that don't have friends at school even my eight years old sister Maggy has friends in school ", Prince symphatetically told her.

" I tried so hard to avoid being close to any human, I don't want that somebody might discover my secret identity ", Larene answered.

" Okay, I understand what you mean , you're good at it ,even my family never notice that you and Valie were not humans but fairies ", Prince laughing said.

" For me , I had also tried so hard to keep my real identity secretly , I tried to be always calm and never to get angry that will cause my spots to comes out, but it had never been a hindrance to have friends but most of them were not humans , I can proudly say there are times they had been a good help specially on emergency cases ", Prince said remembering such scary events.

" Good for you , but you're also half human so it's okay for you !", Larene told him.

" Of course I do not judge you for deciding to seclude yourself I know you have your good reason and that is for the best at that time !" , Prince told Larene full of compassion.

The next day , everybody in the Roxin household wake up early, Karen had hired additional help for the food preparations , eventhough there's a catering service they hired still there are foods they want to add , it was indeed a very simple wedding , the couple will just walk in the judge office at the Municipal Building for the ceremony , then they'll proceed to the venue prepared after the wedding which is at the resort they had rented and the catering service was already there waiting for them to arrive. The guest which are mostly employee of the company will go proceed to the venue. The Roxin family consist of Joseph, Karen , Kate and Maggy had decided that they will leave in a seperate car driven by Joseph.

Larene and Prince will just follow together with Valie on Prince car , when they opened the main door, they were surprise to see someone standing at the door looking very angry unexpectedly with Gari.

" Ono ?", Prince surprise upon seeing his brother at the door. Valie and Larene face suddenly gone pale when they saw the tall big man, blocking their way out intentionally.

" Get in ! are you invited by Prince ? so glad you had come !", Karen invited the two men inside. The tall 00men angrily punch Prince in the face unprepared.

" Hey !!... why did you hit my son?", both Karen and Joseph were grimly angry trying to refer the fight the unknown big man started and everybody are startled at the sudden turn of event.

" How dare you steal my woman !!!!..", Ono angrily scream at Prince face.

" What? your woman ? I hadn't been informed that Larene is your woman , besides I am the first man in her life !" , Prince said which makes Ono the more angrier..

" She was bethroted be my wife after her study !", Ono replied angrily.

" What ? but you already have two wives , right?", Prince said touching his face that was punch by Ono.

" What's happening Prince? who is this man ?", Karen nervously ask , she had suspicion seeing how the man looks like and his height of almost 6'4" tall and the similarity with Sultan is very obvious but she wants confirmation from her son.

" He is Ono mama, one of the son of Sultan Sota ", Prince confirmed.

" What ? how d'you know him? are you having contact with Sultan ?", Karen surprise at the admission of her son.

" Sorry mama !", Prince told his mother.

" How many times did I told you to stay away from Sultan? then how d'you know them? how many more secrets are you keeping from us? why are you keeping this things secretly from us , your family?", Karen ask angrily her son. Prince just kept quiet , any wrong words might fuel the anger his mother felt right now , he know that he had a lot to explain to his parents after this incident.