Chapter 35: * Fighting For Love *

" Look ! you are attack by this man right infront of us and yet we can do nothing because we din't know what is the reason of his anger ,we don't know the truth , you deliberately lie to us !", Joseph irritably told his son while Larene was nervously holding Prince arm for support.

" Is this the trouble you're talking about Valie? both of you Prince and Larene had a lot of explaining to do after this ", as Karen angrily turned to Larene's direction.

" You ! you're scaring my daughters, look at them !why you come in our house and punch my son right at the moment which we have an important thing to celebrate?", Joseph angrily point at his trembling daughters hugging each other while staring at the big man infront of them staring at their whole family like a hawk.

" I just want to bring home my future wife ! I will not hurt any of you just let me take with me Larene ", Ono's big voice echo around the whole house.

" No ! I will never go with you , I don't love you ! please leave me alone !", Larene angrily spat at Ono.

" You heard what she said Ono , this is our wedding day ! please Larene and I had decided to finally get married !", Prince tried to talk nicely at Ono inspite of the fact that he had punch him already.

" You will be my wife ! I had paid your family with a lot of gold just for you to marry me !", Ono retorded.

" I am not the one that you paid but my parents ! I will never love you the same way I love Prince !", Larene said.

" Larene ? how d'you know them ? are you one of them ?" , Karen ask , she was very confused at the ongoing exchange of conversation between Ono and Larene and Prince.

" Yes mama ! I also came from Canla kingdom ," Larene confirmed.

" So you're not human? both of you ?" , pointing at Valie who is hiding at the back of Larene.

" Oh my God ! all of you were not humans? what kind of problem is this you brought home Prince ?" , Karen angrily ask her son who just stare at her speechless.

" Let 's go back to Canla kingdom now !", Ono pull Larene's arm.

" Take your hands off me ! you're hurting me !", Larene scream at Ono that pulling her hands away from Prince, nervousness can be sense in her voice.

" Please general ! you're hurting my young madame ! please allow her to be happy with the man she choose to love !", Valie beg.

" You ! you collaborated with them in cheating me !", Ono angrily faced Valie with anger in his eyes , he slap Valie which surprised everybody., his display of cruelty enraged Joeeph, Karen as well as Prince.

" You're asking me why I can't love you ?

look how cruel you are with my maid , you have no right to hurt her ", Larene sobbing.

" I told you ,I am willing to change just for you , why you're not giving me a chance ?", Ono asked his voice full of emotion pull back her hands which was held by the general.

" Why don't you change yourself for your wives ? don't bother to change for me I had already chosen who I want to be my husband !", Larene replied and look at Prince who stare back at her lovingly. Her words touch his heart that makes his heart almost burst with happiness.

" We're getting late guys , we have to go now !", Joseph said, anger is still in his voice.

" Can you please move away ? you're blocking our way out !", Karen said . Ono felt agitated at the sudden sarcasm in the couples words and tone of voice. He wanted to strangle both the human parents of Prince which he thought bully him and it irritated him to the core . Suddenly he strangled Joseph collarbone , the unexpected move of Ono had opted Prince to move and fight his brother to remove the general's strong hands from his father's neck that shows signs that he is having a hard time breathing. Prince kick Ono a roundhouse kick to jab , follow by a straight blast which surprise Ono so he let go of his father which was immediately assisted by Karen and Larene and Valie ,away from the two brothers fighting , as they exchange fist blows both Kate and Maggy run away crying to hide at the guest room they had entered. After about thirty minutes Joseph who's coughing and his head was leaning on their mother's shoulder., with Larene and Valie holding his arms for balance get inside the room and place their father in the bed carefully.

" So you can fight with your bare hands ? but still I will kill your whole family !", Ono warns, he was surprise at the stamina of his brother in fighting, he did not expect such skill from him , infact he 's good at it , he had lost grip of his father's neck when he felt his kick. Unbelievably he is undefeated in Canla kingdom but Prince had different unexpected moves that shaken him physically. He had no knowledge of such fighting skills , it hadn't been taught in Canla.

" Don't worry I will fight you all the way to protect my family !", Prince replied angrily. The brotherly smile that welcome Ono when they opened the door had gone , in his face was a furious and uncontrollable anger. Prince human looks immediately gone and his spots has become visible .

" I don't have an idea what is your relationship with Larene I don't have an idea that you are arranged to be married to her yet you don't let me know of it , to think that you can inform me through that spy you send or give me chance to explain my side ! you just came straightly to our home and attack me and my family !", Prince angrily said , so this is the reason why he had to practice karate since he was a child, yes it was to protect his family , but now it is also to fight with his own brother which he never expected to harm him and his beloved family.

" As I can see your good at street fight , but we will be enemy because of messing up with my girl and she is my most awaited wife I had been waited for her long enough !", Ono replied.

" Would you care to explain what's goin on? as I can see this trouble was cause by you !", Karen angrily ask Larene ,sitting in the far side of the bed where they lay Joseph that was already breathing properly. Maggy nervously hold her mother's hand while Kate was peeping at the door watching the two brothers fighting outside the main door. She's happy when she saw that his brother has an advantage in their bare hand fight.

Larene , look down at the floor , after a few minutes she explained.

" Sorry mama, I don't love Ono, I was arranged to be married to him but I was scared because he is very cruel to his two wives and to other creatures in our kingdom, he bribed my parents with gold and multiple wives is aloud in our kingdom specially to them who are childrens of Sultan Sota , besides I know he has other mistresses to satisfy his sexual needs so I thought it is okay if I choose other man to marry ", Larene long explainations.

" Why don't you tell Prince about this ? and how your relationship with my son started ?", Karen asked.

" We met when he was summoned by Sultan to fix some errands in Canla kingdom.

I saw him with Aldes and Stefano ", Larene answered.

" I love Prince , I want him to be my husband , I don't want to lose him if he knows the truth I despise Ono even before , I don't want to be part of his punching buddy in the future " ,Larene added. Karen nodded trying to understand the reason of Larene which is legit to Karen's reasoning. Hmmn, her son had a lot to explain she has suspicion that Aldes and Stefano are related to him because of their similar height and body structures but she had been scared to confirm the obvious truth.

" What kind of creatures are you in Canla kingdom?", Karen wanted to know.

" Me and Valie are what they called as the forest fairies , " Larene said.

" I see , so Prince is aware of your real identity !", it was not a question but a statement from Karen , Larene nodded confirming her assumption.

" How's Prince ?", Joseph get up worried about his son, Karen and the two kids stop him from coming out of the room.

" Let your son handle the situation, you can do nothing to help , both of them has power , let's just pray that Prince will vome out victorious ", Karen advice which Joseph take hid.

" Don't worry I'll check it out for you papa, Oh my ,they're both strong and good in fighting but Prince is more better because he had many unexpected move while Ono has just only one move.. ", Kate like a reporter in a boxing match said aloud.