Chapter 36 : * The Challenge *

" Papa, aren't we goin at Prince and Larene's wedding ?", Maggy innocently asked, her parents stare at each other , both Larene and Valie look at the child's nervous face.

" Maggy , there 'll be no wedding I think ! because Prince is fighting that big guy that suddenly show up in our door !", it was Kate that answer Maggy's query.

" No more wedding today?", Maggy follow up question.Her shoulder fell down as though she's too tired when Kate nodded.

" Oh, yeah ! I have to call everybody and let them know that the wedding is off , so there'll no longer wait for us specially the judge that will suppose to officiate your wedding ", Karen decided as she look at Larene who's frustration is obviously seen in her face as she cry silently , Karen begin to dial her phone to inform those who are need to be informed.

" Oh my gosh ! ", everybody look out and join Kate as she peeped at the door watching the ongoing fight. Larene run outside followed by Valie.

" Let me go out of here," Joseph said trying to pass through the door , he couldn't let his son fought alone the villain. Karen blocked his way out.

" No, you will be a burden instead of help to your son , both of them has power and you have nothing !", Karen told her husband.

" So ? ... we will just wait here til they're done fighting ? what kind of a father I am ? I can't help my son in emergency like this !", Joseph in his self pity declaration .

" Honey , please ! in times like this keeping ourselves safe is a big help to our son !", Karen resonate.

" Yeah ! that's right papa !" Kate agreed.

" What is he doin ?", Karen asked when

Ono blew the air around him , by doing so , surprisingly a tornado had build up , the air was so strong that almost knock Prince down . He was taken aback and he was not prepared by that sudden attack. The plants around them had been removed from their roots and fly in different direction. Prince don't know how to counter the attack , he was never told about the power of Ono , and he had never ask about it when he was there in Canla kingdom.

He can not counter his attack with his laser eyes , at the strength of the air that comes out from Ono's mouth and the rate of of how fast it moves it can destroy their house if it stays longer. He saw some of the roof fly in the middle of the road , he assume it came from their house and he hates to think the danger it will create if there is somebody walking in the street and strike by those roof , follow by the scared scream from inside of their house , not just his family but also those who had been hired by his mother to help cook for their wedding that won't take place because of the sudden interference of Ono, he had witness how the appliances inside their house was flying in the air as though they have their own life hanging around their living room. Both Karen and Joseph know there is something wrong happening in the upper part of their house because of the unexplained noices they heard

and they had witness how big the tornado that suddenly show up outside of their house.

In the sight of the outsider a strong tornado had strike their home , but Prince knew the truth that the strong wind was not cause by a strong tornado that tends to destroy their home but cause by Ono.

" Please !.... stop it, you will destroy everything in here !" , Larene beg nervously at Ono ,asking him to stop blowing air to avoid further damage.

" Bear in mind that I destroy these things around here because of you !", Ono angrily retorded as his eyes stared in Larene's direction as if expecting her to feel guilty .

" It was you who destroyed all these !", Valie replied which doesn't surprise Larene because she follow when she runs outside and she know how bad is the temperament of her own maid when angered.

" Don't meddle little maid with the family affair , opps ,... I remember ! you have a lot of explaining to do too for covering your young madame foolishness", Ono angrily glared at Valie as she look in her direction. Prince notice the fear that shows at Valie's face as she heard what Ono said , as he speak in between blowing.

" Stop !... threatening them Ono ," Prince warn him.

" I am not threatening anybody Prince, I do what I said , don't worry, she knows what I mean.." Ono replied with conviction..

The man with Ono hold at the big decade old pine tree nearby for support ., and Prince as big and tall as he was , is having difficulty in keeping himself in balance..He gather all of his strength and decided to kick Ono in his middle part and luckily because of his strong kick he stop blowing air and hold his stomach as if he was in pain , he seems very weak and tired and the tornado stop after a few minutes..His tornado will surely destroy the human world if it will stay longer.

" What d'you want ?", Prince ask Ono which is rubbing his belly which was kicked by Prince , surprisingly he felt the pain it was just an action Prince did to stop him from producing more disastrous air he never expected it to be effective.

" I want Larene to go back with me in Canla kingdom !", Ono replied looking at Larene who's a spectator now with her maid.

" If she wants to go with you , but if she don't want to go with you just leave her with me peacefully ! let her decide whom she wants to be with !" , Prince told Ono.

" No... I want her to come with me at Canla and face her parents and let them decide of whom she'll be married to !" , Ono strongly oppose of hearing Larene's decision he know whom she'll choose.

" Are you afraid that she'll chose me over you? ", Prince smirk at what Ono said.

" Of course not, but it was me who was chosen by her parents first !", Ono insisted .

" Larene's choice is more important than her parents choice !" , Prince replied angrily.

" We have different ways and customs when it came to marriage in Canla kingdom , than you have in your world ! it wil never change just because of you !", Ono with a tinge of bitterness.

" Maybe you're right ! but you are here in our world right now , so it's my world's ways and customs you should follow !", Prince told him.

" That's bullshit ! nonsense ! I will never give in to your ways and customs !", Ono answered.

" Same with me ! I'll never give in to your ways and customs ", with insolence Prince said.

" If that's the case then there's no option but for us to fix this in a proper way , I want you to fight me in a duel !" , Ono hurl a challenge at Prince.

" Sure ! I accept the challenge ! I will fight you , just tell me where and when ! I am ready to fight you in a duel for the sake of Larene that's how special she is to me !", Prince immediately accepted the challenge.

" Then come at Canla kingdom with Larene , our duel will take place there !", Ono told him , Larene stare at him , shock was in her eyes , she shook her head as if she doesn't approve of his decision. Prince understand what she meant but he doesn't take heed , he will not give in to what Larene want , no matter what will be the outcome in this duel , he will fight his own brother for the love of his life. He prefer to fight him in Canla kingdom because he had seen the effect of his air blow in their home and plants, it cause a lot of damage ,it might takes a month to fix those damages in their house . He don't want to regret if a big destruction occur , he imagine how much destruction it might cause if they fought here in the human world.

" It is settled then ! whoever won will be the husband of Larene !", Ono grinned ,he is confident he has the advantage when he is in Canla kingdom, because Prince can't hurt him there. Unlike here in the human world he felt weak and he had lose his strength after using his power and that is a big disadvantage. In their kingdom his vigor and strength is unlimited specially in Canla he wanted to show Prince what he got and he wants him to know it is not easy to defeat the general..

Prince wanted to be prepared as well, he don't know what will be the outcome of this fight but he will fight for his love for Larene, he will not easily give up specially that he knows he is the one that Larene want. She's fighting for her love to him why should he put that in