Chapter 38 : * Disastrous Power *

" No matter what happened always remember that you're the one I love., sorry for dragging ypu into this mess ! I just love you that much I am willing to put my family's name in jeopardy just to be with you!" , Larene said hoping for understang..

" I love you the same way you feel, we'll make things right after this problems , we will get married with your family around ", her words touched his heart so deep that the will to win this duel was so strong he don't want other man to lay a hands on her Larene no matter what it takes eventhough his own brother.

" I believe every words you said and I trust you !", Prince close his eyes as Larene hug and kiss him, he had a sudden change of plan and savor the magical moment.

" I miss you ", as Prince hands begin to roam her body , they were kissing each other passionately and touching each others body

intimately. A scene that had seen by Ono and two of his man ,when Larene and Prince suddenly appear infront of them. He was in rage because of what he had seen , he wanted to beat Prince so bad that his hands that touch Larene will be dislocated from his body.

" I miss you too , but not now honey you have more important things to do ", Larene gently murmured in his ear , they had teleported , when he opened his eyes they were already in the ground of Canla kingdom he recognized it by the tall trees and wide land void of houses with beautiful flowering shrubs of different colors , he was so fond of those flowers . Larene know that Prince had no power in teleporting that's why she fetch him in human world and bring him in Canla for the duel set by Ono. The general was already waiting for them standing in the middle of the land and he is upset by the look of him , he wanted to throw punches to Prince because of what he had seen.

." I'm glad you're here brother so we can start the duel and we'll know who will win between the two of us ", Ono said with a gritted teeth , he had seen how the twain clung to each others body and as if they're making out and very in love with each other and it piss him off, he hate the idea that the two must have already consumed the thing which is suppose to be his if it hadn't been of Prince interference , is it still worth to fight for this woman?. but they are already here for this duel , if not for Larene then he will punish him for licking his woman. Of course he is very confident that he'll win , he had seen how Prince reacted when he blew their homes , he is very surprised and don't know what to do to stop him from destroying their home , if he wasn't in human world and he was using his power by that time he can never kick him in the middle part of his body that cause him so much pain.

" I'll fight you fair and hard ! ...stop under estimating me Ono !", Prince seemed to read his mind .

" Then let's start it !", Ono replied and started to blow into Prince direction which Prince countered with his laser eyes , the two of them were concentrated on their battle while Larene is a very nervous spectator.

The air that Ono produce began to create a tornado and the laser that came from Prince eyes that countered Ono's attack he wants to broke the tornado through the heat that came from his eyes because the air that comes from Ono's mouth produce a not so good effect , but it was a big mistake because the tornado develop but it seems the tornado was going in his direction alone it had no effect at their surroundings , but he had no idea that it affect the people outside of Canla kingdom especially the human world ,but of course the brothers don't know that they are harming many humans around them , infact there had been a storm that suddenly came out that weather news bureau hadn't forecasted , the clashing of Ono and Prince power cause not only storm but also volcano eruption. Two of the biggest volcano unexpected sudden eruption occur in the human world which makes mortals run for their life , both of them had no idea what was going on in the human world because they are busy trying to win.

Luckily Canla kingdom is located at the higher part of the volcano they are safe from danger , but humans are in great dangers. It was a big destruction , the lava had already harm too many people , they covered the roads , homes and businesses were close because of the unexpected chaos that strike the nation. The storm follow by volcano eruption had work together to demolish the people out of their house to run for their lives most of them cried out in prayer to God begging for safety , while the two brothers are determined to win each other in the duel between their mouth and eyes , they heard nothing of the screaming of fears from the human world. No one would give in to lost the fight , while in the palace everybody were wondring why the earth was shaking , it is not the first time but this is not an ordinary kind of earthquae because it is continous without intervals , so it is not cause by a natural disaster but made up.

" I'll check the surroundings , this eathquake is not normal , it seems some creatures around our island was fighting ",

Sultan Sota told his fifth wife who is his constant companion in bed. His wife stare at him , she had almost forgotten that today was the duel of Ono and Prince which her parents had mention a week ago. She hadn't mention this incident to Sultan to avoid any complication.

" Ahmm.. can we talk ? ", his wife ask him shyly.

" We'll talk when I come back ! let me roam the island first to check what is the cause of this earth shake ", Sultan told her.

" Just a few minutes , please !!!... his wife beg. Sultan was astonish at the action of his wife , he glare at her and nod although he already know what she would like to confess by just looking at her and reading her mind.

" Ahh...Okay , I can see ! so it is because of Larene why my two sons are fighting right now ?", he ask his wife. who nod her head to confirm it

" Yes , so you must hurry now , before they create more damage ", his fifth wife say nodding.

" Why you didn't tell me earlier so we had done something to fix the problem ", Sultan ask.

" I was told later also and you're always out , I had no opportunity to tell you about this,

be careful in going there , your sons are both matured and may they will listen to you ", his wife said.

" I must hurry now , don't worry about me I'll never die because I'm immortal ", grimness was in his face as he told his wife.

Ono and Prince are concentrated on their duel when suddenly a red bull appeared in the midst of them , Ono's eyes widen when he saw the red bull ,he know that it was his father and by the look of it he is very angry, because every time transform into a red bull it signifies that he is angry. Prince was surprise but he know nothing about it so he just ignore the bull which seem would like to hurt them both.

" What do you think you're doing ? stop that fight or you end up killing each other !" , the red bull that transformed into Sultan Sota his big voice echo in the whole place which opted the two men of Ono to hide themselves in the big trees , eventhough they are visible earlier in the middle of a vast outdoor land.

" Fa....father? what are you doing here ?", Ono asked his father , suddenly stop in blowing air.

" Do you know what's happening in the human world as the effect of your duel ? , then look intently !", he said motioning at the wide white cloth that instantly show up by his hand gesture. a moving pictures suddenly appear , people screaming for help ,in their face scared and desperation shows. Then the storm cause big waves in the ocean and a tsunami had strike in some island and sea waters had covered roof of some houses , destroying homes , properties and there were many who are lying lifeless in the covered with water with lava? why it seems that the water has volcanic lava? then they had seen how two volcanoes erupted in two different country

" What happened ? I know that volcano had been inactive for so many years how come it erupted without the knowledge of volcanologists who are active on their watch over this volcano?", Prince ask wondering.