Chapter 39 : * The Black Horse *

" Are we nuts? we are fighting without hurting each other ? because air he puff can't pass through my laser eyes ,and my laser eyes don't hurt him as well it can't go through him because of the air he blows , Prince thought to himself and he can see how frustrated Ono was but Sultan pointed his finger at the slide show with moving humans.

" You can never hurt each other because both of you are my son and you're protected by Gods and Goddesses of our kingdom , using your powers can't hurt each other only others that will challenge you both ,but please I know you're both matured and at the right age , look at the damage you've done at the human world , if they'll vanish we'll perish as well because we coexist with them besides we are here in this world to protect nature for humans that's our mission but each of you is the one that cause disaster , a shame to our ancestors !", Sultan explained furiously.

" I 'm sorry father !" , Ono bow his head to give respect to Sultan , he is ruthless but the respect he had for his father is undeniable.

" I am not aware that our duel affect the human world ", Prince told Sultan as he stare at the moving scenery infront of him , he felt guilty at the chaos shown in the slide show of those moving people running for the safety of their lives or trying to save the people they love , if that was real .

" I assure you it was real and that is what happening in the human world right now never doubt my words ", as if reading what's in his mind Sultan said and made a gesture of his hand as if in a magic then the slideshow was gone .

" I understand that you don't know what is the effect of your power to your fellow humans but it can harm them even your own family will be affected if you live near a volcano , I understand you because you hadn't been informed about it.", Sultan told Prince , his knowledge about his own power or the Canla kingdom was limited he secretly admitted it.

" But I want Larene father , I had chosen her to be my third wife long ago ! and I will not give up now ", Ono bravely said.

" Both of you is my son , and you are fighting for Larene , I want a fair judgement to both of you , right now because Larene is the reason for this duel , I will not let any of you to have her until after I'm done with my own investigation regarding this matter ", Sultan's decision ,and when he decide on something no one can dissuade him.

They have no choice but to give in even Ono hadn't argue or commented on his father's decision.

" You better go home now , because your mother might be worried about you now, I know that you keep this duel today secretly from them !", Sultan really knows him well, there's no secret he can kept from him . It's a shame that no one won in their battle. They are trying to hurt each other but they can not hit each other , Prince is wondering at such miracle.

He look around looking for Larene but she's no where in sight , he expect her to watch the duel and wait til he won and she will cheer for him since they arrive but sadly she's gone . He expect her to bring him back to the human world using her teleport power after this duel . He felt sad that after the effort he had shown to fight for their love she had gone without asking his permission , he seems to lost his strength as he thought of it.

Sultan is his father but he had never felt his warm and welcoming presence everytime they are together unlike his father Joseph who is very vocal of his love to him and his two sisters. Sultan calls him son and he never denied that he is his son but he is always serious and hard to be please , he had the aura of a strong leader ,as well as the undeniable authority . He looks young inspite of the fact that Aldes and Stefano said he is more than a thousand years old yet he looks like thirty years old and eventhough he has two divided colors he is undeniably handsome and oozing with sex appeal.

Sultan touch his shoulder , just by a wink of an eye he was already home.

" Prince , where have you been ? we had been looking for you all over the house since yesterday morning !", Karen said as she saw her son approaching the stairs going to the second floor of their home where the rooms are located.

" I had been in Canla kingdom mama, "

Prince said , there's no point in lying her parents are already aware that he go in between worlds ,humans and Canla kingdom.

" We've been worried because of the sudden storm that struck us yesterday , and there are two volcanoes that erupted , luckily it is far from here , it is very scary , so many natural calamities that hit us these days ", Karen unbelieving shook her head , but Prince had no intention of telling her that it was the effect of Ono and his power ,for sure he will hear a lot of not so good sermon from his mother.

" Have you pass by the fallen trees scattered in the street?", Karen ask her son .

" No mama , I'll better go upstairs to clean up and change into clean clothes ", Prince said ,leaving his mother staring at his retreating back.

" Then come down after you change , dinner is ready , " Karen inform him.

" Yes mama!" , Prince replied, he felt so tired and sleepy by now but he need to eat first to avoid the anger of his parents , when he come down for dinner he heard his psrents talking about him.

" What you did in Canla kingdom? ", Joseph ask him.

" Ono want a duel so I accepted his challenge ," Prince told them, he heard a surprise gasp from his mother.

" What? ... I'm glad you're back safely !", Karen told him.

" Yes mama, Larene fetch me here this morning ", Prince let them know.

" But we had been looking for you since yesterday ? that's why it's your father who go to the office when we can't find you anywhere in the house.", Karen said.

When the news about the calamity was shown on television Prince can't believe of the extent of the damage cause by the storm as well as the eruption of the two volcano , one from the northern part of Europe and the other from Asia. Thousands died because of the tsunami cause by the strong wind by the storm surge and many near the sea lost their homes and lives being drown by high water..

After the distraction , peoples attention was caught by one of the news report that there had been a beautiful black horse with white hairs at its nape and tail that had been roaming around the roads of U.S. and other places that had been struck by the natural calamities ,even the seashore which claimed many humans lives drowned by above their homes sea water being struck by the tsunami had the sightings of this black horse.

Many assumed it was a bad omen when a black horse was seen , a lot of interpretation had been assumed and comments on social media both good and bad had spread. The magestic horse was seen around without a rider but it seems to know its direction.

The horse seems to know where to go and have a mind of its own visiting places that were struck by calamities and staring at those who came near it as if it has a mind of its own. There were men who wants to capture it but no one succeed because they said that it disappear right infront of their eyes so they named it the "ghost horsey " because in a split seconds the horse was no where to be found and searching it prove to be futile because it was gone. Many assumed that the horse might had died in the storm and probably looking for its owner in the site where he or she might had died. Children had been afraid to go out of their homes at night time because they were afraid that they will encounter this scary black horse at night.

Prince had strong suspicion that it was Sultan glaring at the television ,he can feel the connection between them. He remember how furious he was when he come to stop the duel telling them their causing big disaster to the people , Prince felt guilty as he found out the vast devastation the storm and volcanic eruption had cause to human lives. He is thankful his family was safe but their business had a temporary set back because of the damage after effect of the calamity. Their family had decided to donate cash as well as goods to those affected by it.