Chapter 44 : * Avenging Plan *

" Mom , I brought your food , I decided to bring it so you no need to come down for lunch ", Karen said carrying a tray with foods she know her mother in law favorite food. She place it at the table beside mom Laly bedside.

" No need to bother , where's the maid? you can just send her to bring my food ", Mom Laly who just stare at the tray with distaste on her face told Karen.

" Mom , you hadn't eaten breakfast yet and the maid said you do not eat the foods she brought you , you just eat once a day and it worries us mom , please eat , it's not the end of the world yet , you lose dad but Joseph is here as well as the kids. We lost dad but we don't want to lose you !", Karen said.Mom Laly stared at the worried look in the face of her daughter in law , she smiled but it doesn't reach her eyes.

" Don't worry about me , I'm fine !", she pick up the spoon and taste the soup of her favorite vegetable viand , she don't want to cause such worry to her family. Though she feel that she can no longer live without her beloved Gil .

" Mom , you have to be strong , don't you want to see the day that we'll get the revenge we want to those who killed dad?", Karen asked.

" Of course I want to be able to slap their faces and see them behind bar ! ", Mom Laly said with a gritted teeth .

" That's why you have to eat to have strength for that day, Prince and Joseph go to the farm today to check some papers and investigate about the whereabout of dad killers ", Karen told her which had arouse her interest and give her appetite to eat the foods infront of her. The thought of revenge and Karen's words gave her the motivation to eat , though she stare at Karen ttrying to analyze if those are possible .

" But I think they better stop it, I don't want them to be in danger just because they want to pllease me" , after a few minutes Mom Laly said .

" Don't worry about them mom , you have no idea how strong Prince was ! remember he is a blackbelter in selfdefense ? he can take care of his father , besides that is for our safety because there's a tendency that they will harm our whole family if they won't be put behind bars ", Karen explained to put the older woman at ease.

" But their opponent has guns and knives how can they fought them with his bare hands? Joseph has no interest in fighting that's why he never get a training for such to defend himself ", Mom Laly said.

" Just believe me mom when I say he can , I know my son's capabilities , no one can defeat him at this lifetime ha ,ha ,ha", Karen proudly said .

" Okay , I believe you now , I hope you're right ", Mom Laly sigh.

" Just believe me mom , for me I believe even the most impossible . I trust my son and husband that they can do it ", as Karen pick up a comb and started to comb her mother in law hair. At seventy two she still has that good looks in her but lately even combing her hair was not a priority of her.

Later that night Prince and Joseph come home together because they use only one car in visiting the farm. Joseph , was so piss off when they arrive , he is very obvious when he is upset.

" I think some of our farm workers is involve with dad killing !", Joseph anger is very obvious.

" You're right dad , I think the same way

because how come they would punctured our car tire if they don't have an intention of harming us?" , Prince agreed.

" You should start your investigation with that , " Karen suggested.

" I will visit the farm everyday to see how they react , anyway all the papers were left here at home and I am planning on staying at our house near the farm so I don 't need to travel farther and to spare all of you from danger ", a decision Prince made.

" It's up to you son whatever is convenient for you , but we need to do some repairs in the house because the gate is already broken and some broken sink in the kitchen and there are a lot of renovation to be done , for seven years that we had left our house it looks like an abandon house already we'll send a houserepair man tomorrow to fix it ",Joseph said.

" Yes papa, but I'll go there everyday to check some papers in the office ", Prince said.

" Okay son we'll better go together so I can teach you some important pointers about farming ", Joseph told his son.

" Okay , I am planning to start the investigation now about the killers of gran ", Prince told his father.

" Thanks son , for making an effort to capture your gran killers ",Joseph was so touch for his son proven love..

" I want gran to get justice that he deserve , and it seems they are eyeing our family to be cheated and make money ", Prince own opinion.

" I know you have the capability to do whatever you thought is the right thing to do and I admire your courage to avenge to make things right ", Joseph told his son.

" They are threatening all of us papa, our whole family. Right now the only motive we know is that they want money and to scare us , but what if what they want is to grab our properties ? and they will resort to killing us all ?", Prince said.

" Yeah , you're right !", Joseph replied nodding , aggreing to what his son said.

" So as early as it is , we don't want an additional victim from our family , we need to seize them the opportunity to get more from us ", Prince decision.

" Right now we have nothing to do but to rely on you son , just be careful , okay ?", Joseph reminded his son.

" Yes papa, don't worry about me , I can take care of myself , I am more worried about you here in the house because you can not fight back if you're in danger because they know where we live and they are sending the letters to scare gran right here in the house ", Prince said.

" But we can not leave the house such action will alert them , but we can ask protection from the police force so we will be protected at home ", Joseph decided which Prince nodded in agreement. They were good people , they hate the thought inflicting pain towards other people and revenge is a foul move but killing one member of their family is very painful . Right now his grandma is still

drown in loneliness and grieve because of the lose of his gran , the thought that justice will be serve is the only thing that keep her motivated to live.

He remember the few weeks after his gran burial , she don't eat regularly and they're scared that they might lost her as well because she lost her desire to live but eventually the promised justice keep her motivated to keep herself strong.

He don't want as well the same danger to be inflicted to his parents and sisters . So he must do something to capture those criminals and let the law do it's mandate. Her sisters were still young to depend themselves

and protecting them is his own obligation.

The next day , Prince and Joseph again go to their farm and they decided to get help to repair the house where Prince decided to stay while working in the farm and he thought that if he was in the farm their attention will be focus on him and besides their will be policemen that will protect his family if they just stay together in the house.

Prince was roaming around the farm when he suddenly heard a gunshot which alerted him , he felt the sting of pain in his upper arm and as he look at his arm blood was dripping down his hand. He look around but he found no one even a single working employee was not around that can affirm he was shot.

He observe himself if he felt sick but he felt as normal as he is , the pain was just a temporary one and he felt fine as he get his hanky from his pocket and wipe the blood from his arm downward.

In one corner of his eye he found someone running going to the dense area of the farm , he tried to call him but to no avail.

The guy doesn't look back , he felt frustrated because of the distance from where the man was hiding his face was unrecognizable. Instead he found little dwarflike creatures hiding in the anthill in the lower portion of the tree looking at him seems scared of the sound of the gunshot that had occur a while ago.