Chapter 45 : * The Bad Guy *

" Do you know him? can you please help me to know his whereabout?", Prince asked the dwarf like creatures looking in the direction of the retreating figure that hide in the protection of the big trees that surround the farm, the creature nodded his head.

" Is he the one that killed my grandfather ?", he asked referring to the guy , the creature shook his head.

" I'm Ava ,Who's your grandfather, you're half human right ?", a female dwarf that sits at the top of the anthill asked.

" The owner of this land , his name is Gil he used to roam this place to check our land", Prince replied .

" He is human how you'd become related ? you're related to Sultan Sota ? you have their distinguish mark ", the lady dwarf ask.

" Maybe , that 's what I heard ", Prince answered never confirming her question.

" There is a killing accident that happened three weeks ago near the river , you should ask the merfolks about that incident , about the older owner named Gil who was killed near the big rock , one of the mermen named Seu witness the incident ", according to the female dwarf.

" How about that guy ? what's his name? is he the one that shot me? ", Prince ask the female dwarf , pointing at the one who run away just a while ago . He had suspicion that he is also the one that shot him .though he hadn't seen him carrying a gun. though the female dwarf had a very thin mumbling voice and some of the words is hard to understand , but she has a lot of information to tell .

" Yes he shot you , he's carrying a short gun , I had seen him following you around earlier ", the newly arrived dwarf answered.

" I heard them called him Braxton , they often talk in that tree , and they're talking about to grab this land because they said the owner has a lot of money and he has no family to spend the money with , only his wife who is also an old lady ", the female dwarf said pointing at the tree fallen down by a strong typhoon just looking at how big the tree was it must had probably been more than twenty five years old.

" Is he one of the farm workers?", Prince wanted to know.

" I had seen him pick mangoes with the others so he must be ", the lady dwarf said.

" Thanks for the info , you're such a great help ", Prince told the lady dwarf which just smile at him nodding.

" It's okay , let me take a look at your wound ,how d'you feel ?", the lady dwarf asked inspecting his gun wound which right now no blood was seen dripping down his skin but he can still feel the bullet tingling his skin.

" I feel fine , this bullet is nothing for me

it can never harm me ", Prince told them.

" Yes we know , we are aware of your capabilities ", the older dwarf replied agreeing to his words.

" This is the first time we saw you here, what's your name ?". the lady dwarf asked.

" I am Prince , the son of Joseph.

" We heard your name before , so you came back with your father , are you staying for good?". the dwarf who confirmed that Braxton is the one who fire a gun at him ask.

" I'll be staying at our house near this farm

so that I can investigate farther for my grandpa's murder."Prince anyway there's no one that can talk to them of his purpose of staying near the farm.

" Paul , can you please call Braxton ? is he around?", Prince told the new farm manager .

" Yes boss ! they were at the warehouse right now ", Paul answered , immediately leave to call the man he had requested. After about fiften minutes the man enter his office.

" Good afternoon boss , manager said you called for me ", the man seems calm as though he hadn't done any wrong.

" Please sit down !", Prince instructed him as he stand up at the back of the man.

" Braxton , right ? I just wanted to know what d 'you expect will happened to me when you shot me? ", Prince asked him and hold his wrist as he surprisingly glare at him preventing him from running , Wondering how he know it was himself who shot him seeing the far distance where he stand , he started to get nervous , he trembled and his hand which was held by him shake involuntarily.

" I don't know what you're talking about boss " , he was obviously nervous , he never expected him to be fine after his wound.

" You can never keep anything secret from me , what would you get in killing my grandfather? he is just an oldman who had tried to be nice to you and your peers giving you money , but after he helped and trusted you , what he gets for his good deeds is you killed him just to grab and seize his property just because he has lot of money and anyway my grandma is old so it is okay if you just killed them because they have few family?", Prince said which threatened a thiry five years old Braxton according to his resume , which was held by Prince in his hand as he talk to the man who seems wanted to run away at this time.

" That's not true !", Braxton denied when Prince mention what the dwarf heard. Braxton wonder if there is a spy in their group that give up such information to their young boss ? if none

then how would he know such confidential plans that they have ? then he should be careful , just like now how did he know that he is Braxton knowing they hadn't been introduce to him yesterday , then why it seems he wasn't inpain? he saw it with his own eyes that he had shot him and he had seen the blood that drip down his arm earlier ; did he have such strong pain tolerance? Ohhh, his head is aching thinking that in a few days they will surely be captured and this young guy is so strong , he can't free his wrist from his hold .

So big guys such as Prince are really stronger than himself.

" What? let me look at your wound? ", Joseph exclaimed in a big strong voice. Paul call him when the police came and he turn over Braxton and he filed a case against him for attempted murder . Then he goes to the doctor and let them to remove the bullet which is still in his arm , he will need the doctors certificate as well as the picture of removal of the bullet for the police blotter..

The next day , Joseph did not want to let him go to the farm alone , he is worried that something bad might happened to him besides the house renovation is still undone.

" I will be the one to instruct the workers papa , I prefer you to stay here at home safely , I will be more worried if you are in the house open in the eyes of the killers while I do some works in the farm ", Prince said after a thorough explanation he had agreed at last to be left with the family and allow Prince to go alone to manage both the house repair for his own safety and convenience and go to the farm after visiting the repairs.

Everyone at home had no idea what happened to him the other day. Both he and his father decided to keep things secretly by themselves. Of course nothing happened to him , he was safe , but if his father will be targetted by the villains he will surely die and he can do nothing to prevent the unevitable danger because he is far from him.

Luckily his father agreed to what he want, so after he visited the progress of the house repair he decided to go to the farm to check and do some paperworks .Some farm workers are surprised when Braxton was brought by the police to be imprisoned because of the gunshot himself acquired .

" I can't believe that he can do such things because I've known him since his childhood , he's a bit fond of joining gangs but he is kind and very shy ,he is not so fond of socialisation , he just stay in one corner quietly but killing?", a plump lady named Marissa said after she saw his newly operated arm because of bullet removal.

" Stop that nonsense , his mother treat him as the blackship of his family because he is fond of associating with the bad guys ! he is a gangster who practice all kinds of vices ", a tall and thin lady said.

" Yes , he was always reprimanded by his mother because of his vices where most of his salary goes " , a young lady with short curly hair said.

" You see? I told you , my neighbor don't allow his daughter to be courted by him because of his gangster reputation ", the plump woman agreed.

" He is such a nice guy but his gang were bad guys !", the youngest amongst the ladies confirm.