Chapter 46 :* Newfound Love *

Prince had hire a secret agent that will help him in getting the information about the killers of his grandpa , he had talk as well to the merman named Zeu , he do not know the names of the killers but according to him there are five of them . Two of them hold his grandfathers hands side by side and one had stab him and another one shot him and the other one is just a look out incase someone walk on. Prince was getting angrier hearing the detailed incident and he pity his grandfather so much . The merman refer him to the lady faun named Alsana , according to Zeu she is very good in remembering names and events inside the farm and he saw her hiding in the woods that day.

He ask a favor from merman and the dwarfs from the anthill to tell Alsana that he want to talk to her when she's around and they nodded .

The secret agent was wondering where Prince get his information but he agreed that there are stab wounds and gunshots in his gran's dead body in the result of autopsy report , of course Prince cannot tell him that the merman had witness the crime and he shared the incident to the dwarfs , what will he going to think of him ? a crazy man ? a believer of mythology creatures ? he is aware that many do not believe in his other world but that is where he found his real friends , they never lie to him and willing to help him without expecting anything in return.

He had already transferred to the old house after the renovation was done. He just arrived from the farm when he opened the door he found a faun sitting at the newly bought sofa staring at him .

" Is there anything I can help you with ?", wondring he asked the faun. He had suspicion who she is but she needs confirmation.

" I am Alsana , it's you who need some information from me according to the merman and dwarfs , they told me there is something you need from me !", the faun replied.

" Oh , hi! yeah , nice to see you , it is the merman and the dwarfs who advice me to ask you about the name of the killers who killed my grandfather , they said you're one of the witness ?" , Prince asked after he sat on the adjacent seat where he could see properly the creature with the face of a beautiful girl and half of her body was that of a goat.

" What do you want from me?", the faun asked formally.

" They said you are very particular in remembering names , have they told you that I am the grandson of Gil who had been slain at the riverbank a month ago ?" , Prince asked.

" Yes , they have !", she confirmed.

" Can you please fill me who the killers are ?", he asked without second thought.

" The lookout you already captured and sent to prison last week , Braxton , the two holding your grandfather's hands were also employed in your farm , they are Sebastien and Dalri , one of the mango picker in your farm.

" How about the two who stab him and shoot him ?", Prince asked enthusiastically , he was nearly there in his investigation , he will be able to see the killers .

" They are friends of your employee and they live outside of your farm , they usuallly met at the club Azotea after they have been paid with their salary , they are Vero the one who stab your gran and Clarkson the one who shot your gran dead ", Alsana seriously said.

" Thanks ! you're a great help ", Prince said

" You're welcome !", she replied smiling , happy that she can able to help him , then the faun slowly vanish from his sight. He had never been in a nightclub before no one among his human friends had persuaded him to visit a nightclub in the state because his mother will surely be upset if he had , he know that going to such places will open him to a lot of temptation such as vices

but for the sake of his grandfather he will start going on weekend.

The next day he asked the farm manager Paul about the whereabout of Sebastien and Dalri , although they doesn't killed his grandfather but still they collaborated to kill him and they are considered accessory to the crime. Paul showed him the 'resume' of the two with their pictures. He instructed Paul to tell no one that he had requested for the records of the two , he had seen that they had been working in the farm for almost five years now and maybe his gran had no idea that they are one of those that demand money from him until he was murdered.

He find out that Sebastien was already married with two children and they live with his parents in the land provided by his own father Joseph cause both his father and mother work in the farm as fruit picker right after they got married , while Dalri was living alone and his family lives in a faraway province. There are no details if he has kids just indicated that he is single , unlike the twenty nine years old Braxton whom he knew was single with a long time girlfriend who cried so hard when he was taken by the police in custody and he is living with his parents . They can not deny his crime because he had seen him by his own eyes that he is the one who shoot him in the woods.

Prince decided not to act against the two suspects because if he did it might alert the real killers if he did send the two to the police , sending Braxton who had committed a minor part in his grandfather's death is enough for the meantime anyway it was attempted murder case he had filed against Braxton and not for killing his grandfather , he wanted to meet the two most important criminals , and like what Alsana said , they usually meet up at the bar or night club rather which named Azotea.

When week end came he decideed to go to the club Azotea to unwind and familiarize the place for future purposes. As he enter at eleven in the evening loud moise greeted him, many people were already dancing in the dance floor , many were already drunk. He go directly to the counter where the two ladies sat with their back at him , they are already tipsy listening to sound of their voice and the way they talk , he ordered a light drink , he doesn't come to be drunked. The two girls look in his direction when he sat beside the girl with a straight long black hair just above her waist .

" Hi ! is this your first time here ?", the girl with curly hair beside the long haired asked.

" Yeah ! just trying to unwind ", Prince replied.

" I'm Claire !", the curly haired girl said her hand was extended to him for a handshake. She is obviously flirting with him just looking at how she bit and pout her lips provocatively and her eyes looks at him with obvious desire.

" I am Joseph , nice to meet you !", as he accepted her extended hand eyeing the long haired girl beside him waiting for her to introduce herself , he really has a fetish for long haired girls , he found them beautiful and exciting especially that she has nice faired skin , nice pointed nose , chinita eyes and obviously beautiful body , just looking at her breast it surely was just right for his hands to fondle. Is he committing sin against Larene if he spend some time with Viviene tonight ? But looking at this girl makes him realized he has a body that has carnal desire that need to be satisfied.

" I'm Viviene, " the long haired girl said.

" She owned and manage this place ", Claire added pointing at Viviene.

" Actually my father owned this place , I'm just managing it for him ", humbly Viviene corrected.

" That's great , how old are you?", Prince asked.

" Twenty three , how about you?", Viviene asked back.

" Oh, I'm twenty four years old , a year older than you !", Prince said.

" No we're just nearly the same age , I'll be twenty four too by the end of this year !", Viviene said.

" So it is not just coincidence that brought us together but fate ! , what do you think?", he asked which make Viviene laugh. The two of them was left when Claire excused herself and go with the guy who sat beside her a minute ago for a dance. Maybe she notice that his attention was drawn to this hot girl beside him.

" I like the sound of your laugh it makes me feel horny ," Prince frankly whisper in her ear which makes her laugh sounds flirty , he really did feel arouse listening to her soft voice something he never expected to feel .

Oh no , I came here to give justice for my gran , not to satisfy my lustful desire ! but I think there's nothing wrong with it , why not use a little bit of trick to be able to bed her?

" Sorry but I am not in favor of one night stand , besides I have a boyfriend that might come later ", Viviene said.

" Ouch ! it breaks my heart !", again Viviene smiled which showed a beautiful perfect set of white teeth.