Chapter 47: * Viviene *

Viviene and Claire was enjoying their favorite classic Margarita in the counter when Prince entered the bar , they were busy gossiping about their previous classmate in high school who become a mother at an early age of fourteen who had got married at eighteen and after about ten years of being together with two children was grimly killed by her husband who is three years older than they are. Tin and Clark just like what every body in school assumed are high school sweetheart that Tin firmly denied , because whereever the beautiful Tin was Clark is there , they were in grade eight with Tin when she elope with a grade eleven student Clark . It was a very scandalous relationship because Tin accuse Clark of abduction against her will when they were found , but because Clark came from a well off family and many witness that they were always together whereever they are and both are minor the case was dismiss and their parents decided for them to live together because they are expecting a child. When Tin was eighteen they got married but they never stop studying with the help of Clark family.

But It says that lately Clark was having a mistress and Tin discovered and decided to leave their house with their kids and file a separation case which Clark won't agree

he wanted a reconciliation according to Yvette , Tin bestfriend but Tin is more happy without him . A beautiful love story but a grim one . Now they were not sure if it was really love that bind them because it says that Tin was a battered wife since the beginning of their relationship , if someone talks to Tin specially male , eventhough just asking for direction about a certain address , Clark got angry and accuse her of being adulterer because Clark was a very jealous and insecure guy. When Tin find out that he has a two months old child with his mistress Yvette said Tin was ecstatic to be able to be free of such bad relationship . Tin started to move on with her office mate but he got angry when he found out about her new boyfriend so he trick her to come with him to talk about the childrens financial support and yesterday she was found dead together with Clark who shot himself to death after killing Tin in the hotel she check in with Clark because it says Clark will not give money if she will not have sex with him but because she has new boyfriend she no longer wants any physical relationship with him . Both girls pitied Tin, she was an intelligent girl which Clark had broken into pieces.

Claire nudge at Viviene elbow when Prince entered the counter and ordered bourbon , she found him very handsome , actually a very good looking guy with a height that will intimidate those who will come near him , she 's willing to have a one night stand with him if he asked her . Sadly his attention was focus on her friend, Viviene ,

so when the guy who just sat down beside her asked her for a dance she immediately agreed and left the two with their own world.

Prince look around if there is any one of the killers of his granddad but he found no one. So why not spend the night flirting with this pretty girl beside him? at the way she's enjoying their conversation with a warning that her boyfriend will come later why not use a little persuation and a magic of hypnotizing just to bed her ? he really need someone to spill some of his sex tonight and his little bro was knocking on his senses hard.

Anyway he will send her back to her boyfriend after , he will just borrow some of her time , no fuzz about that , just a little fun because he need a woman to be with tonight. Anyway Larene was not around it had been three months of celibacy for him , she didn't even informed him where she is and his need was getting stronger each day but he can't find someone that will satisfy his need just this girl, he even wanted to grab the lady and force himself on her but no, he won't do that as he stare at her laughing with a flirty sound.

" Wanna try some steamy hot sex tonight", he asked her as he whisper in her ears.

" Sorry , I can't leave the place , in a few hours it will be a busy place ", she answered.

" Do you have a room or office space in here?", he asked again.

" I have but I don't ....", Viviene words hung in the air when she looks at Prince eyes. After a few seconds she just agreed to go with him when he slid his hand in her waist. Her strength to think clearly was suddenly dim and whatever this man said she cannot cross it. She felt as though she was in a trance when they entered her office and locked the door. So when they are inside and whatever he said he just do like when he said that she touch him , she just do whatever he said , in her mind she should not do this but she's wondering why every words of this man she need to do , she can't resist him there is something about him that she cannot understand , there is an inner urge to satisfy him.

Everything happened so fast , she's not into one night stand with someone whom she just known tonight but how she can resist him?

She can not understand what gotten into her she felt like she was an empty vessel who just follow this man's wishes.

Prince knew how unfair he had been to Viviene , he hypnotize her just to get what he want , this is the first time he will have sex with a mortal lady , his first sexual escapade was with a fairy , being human this is his first time and it felt much better because the warmth of a human female is quiet enticing and addictive , sex with a fairy was also good but they are so cold to hold only the act was making it hot.

They are in the act for the third round with sexually excited moans that surrounded the room when the door swung open .

" Viviene ?"., a man older than he is attack and ready to punch Prince seeing how he thrust inside Viviene .. Viviene just stare at the man then pull Prince for a heated kiss and put her two legs embraced Prince hips so the physical contact will not stop. Not minding that they are in a scandalous position and someone was looking at them , but Prince has no idea how he had opened the door because he surely had locked the door.

" How you did this to me? you're a slut ! I thought you are different from other women , you will not even allow me to touch you but seeing you like this ? having sex with the man you just met?you're like a whore , how disgusting !", the man said anger and tears was evident in his voice while Viviene was just enjoying their sexual banter., luckily he stopped in his track with his suppose intention to hurt Prince when he realized it was Viviene who even nudged and encouraged the big man to go on with his pouncing over her seems telling the man to don't mind his presence , he felt so insulted and useless , the man turned his back and Prince don't know where he went.

That night the man named Andrew was the boyfriend of Viviene for two years , Prince discovered that he has his own key in her office Prince waited for Viviene til closing time , then she goes with him in his house .from then on they live together and become inseparable . They lived like that of a husband and wife without the hustle of being marriage , still they enjoy the sexual act every night or day and it's getting better as they familiarized each other's body. More often they do it inside Viviene office whenever one of them feel horny. Having Viviene makes Prince daily routine more exciting , the much awaited 'icing in the cake' as what they say , she makes his life easy. He has someone to serve him life cooking his food and a body to warmth his bed..

In the morning he brought her in the farm

that she never complain anyway she can sleep all day in the farm because there is a room intended for his use while he works . He becomes busy in the coming days because a lot of order coming in which is mostly in the waiting list . While at night both of them are in Azotea and he sleep in her office... Claire was coming in the bar and she seems envious of Viviene and his relationship , she's very vocal about it that he is her type of person but he just laugh at her words.