Chapter 48 : * Caught Ya Crooks *

His new relationship with Viviene has given him a lot of advantage one of it he had an access to the club cctv , because he can check in the cctv inside her office the people that comes in and out of the club , he had patiently waited for the killers to visit the club , until his patience had been paid off after a month of waiting the oportunity came .He had seen in the cctv when his two farm workers enter the door of the bar and go to a far end corner occupied by four people. When they entered the table they greeted each other through a hi five sign , and the two seated introduce the new comers according to their gesture the two others stand up to gave way to the new arrival and leave the table and happily bid goodbye to the two guys they obviously don't know the two who had left .

Now they're back to four again in the table, his two farm workers and the two who comes first.

" Busy on the cctv?", when Viviene come inside the office , and lick his ear. She's like a kitten who always purrs at him and wanted a sexual satisfaction . He know it was his fault that she become like this , eventhough she has a boyfriend she was a virgin when he first took her. It was him who introduced her to the world of sexual pleasure so he cannot put her in

" Honey , please not now I'm busy watching those people ", he softly told her

" Okay !", she replied , she's like a pet dog that whatever Prince told him she always agree.

" Don't worry , tomorrow we have all the time in the world for ourselves , I'll make you very happy , okay?", Prince console her stroking her beautiful face which she smile sweetly at him , as usual she's just waiting for him to decide on everything she's just waiting in a corner sitting in the sofa , til he have time for her when he is busy.

He felt like he is so inconsiderate , ruining this girls life just because he felt horny the first time he saw her , he hadn't guarded his libido and introduce this girl to the world of sexual gratification if only people around them know that he hypnotize her that's why she stick like glue to him or like a dog always licking the hands of her master for sure they will hate him to the core.

He playfully wink and throw in her direction a flying kiss which she copied the act back which make them both laugh . He don't want to kiss her because for sure it will go deeper and his concentration will be divided.

He don't want to lose his attention towards those criminals because they are the reason why he came in this bar to trace them ⁷ though he found a lovelife but the foremost was to give justice to his grandfathers death and he is at the right track now.

" Why are you checking the cctv? do you know them ? ", she asked pointing at those four .

" Yes , those two are my farm workers but I had no idea who are the other two ", he told her.

" Ow really? do you want to talk to them?", she said.

" No , no , no , ..let them enjoy their drink ", Prince told her. He don't want to alert them he don't want to spoil all his effort to capture the culprit of his gran death beside it will be dangerous for the people inside the bar if they notice they are being observed. He still need to bring the pictures of them to Alsana to confirm if they are the one he is looking for , hsst , he ask her to come visit the club everynight but she hates loud noises even though they're music.

" Okay !", Viviene reply.

Luckily she don't insist further , Viviene was a very kind woman but right now he has more important things to do , he will wait til it was proven that they are the culprit that will give him reason to punish and imprison them in his own way. But he need to make sure it was them who killed his gran and that is through his friends by bringing them the pictures of this four though his workers are not the one who directly killed his grandfather but they are accessory to the crime and they are equally guilty of killing his grandfather her reaction was

" Yes , that's they are !", Alsana confirm while nodding her head pointing who at she said was named Clarkson who shot and named Vero who stab among the two , she came to his office in the mid afternoon while Viviene was heavily sleeping inside the room.

" Thanks for your help !", Prince told Alsana , happy that now everything was set and he already know the identity of his gran's killer it's payback time soon.

" Welcome! and just today I heard them talking to ask money from you for their needs.

like the way they did to your grandfather so you need to be careful because they said if you'll deny they'll kill you as well ", Alsana warned.

" Thanks for that , then I'll better wait for them to come to me , I want to see who will ask support from me !", Prince decided. That's much better if they'll just came to him , it will spare him of further effort. He need to be vigilant and watchful over this four persons who are traitor to their family , YES! they are harboring under their care those people who had literally bitten the hands of his grandfather and that is so hateful to think of.

He patiently waited for them to approached him and to see who will come to talk to him and he will surprise them with the good news! that he already know who they are and it's time for them to change their tactic in

forcing people to draw money from their pocket . No matter who they are here in this farm I am still the boss now and I have everyright to antagonize people who are not loyal to our family.

Just like what Alsana said after a week he received a letter from unknown sender asking for a sumptous amount of money with a warning that they will kill him if they don"t receive the money on a certain date. He called the police saying he had an idea who had killed his grandfather and they had send him the same threatening letter and they should come today to catch them.

" I think it's payback time , the earlier the better ", Prince thought with full of hatred toward those men. He told Paul to call Sebastien and Dairi to him .

" Good morning boss !", the two farm workers enthusistically greeted him while he is sitting in his swivel chair.

" What's good in the morning ?", he angrily stomped his fist in the table which shock the two new comers.

" Sorry boss? what do you mean?", Dairi feigned innocently , he look at Sebastien who look back at him.

" Who gives you the right to send me this letter and threatened me? what if I won't give you money you will kill me the way you kill my grandfather?", he angrily asked them waving the letter in his hand , his angry words stunned the two men.

" Boss , we are not the sender of that letter !", the two vehemently denied.

" Then who send this ? Vero who stab my grandfather or Clarkson who shot my grandfather? eventhough you are just holding the hands of my grandfather you are still accessory to the crime because you participated in it like Braxton who is the look out !", those words are the more shocking for the two who tried to fled from him but he kicked them both at their retreating back which cause both of them to fall flat on the ground . Prince knew that he had cause a big impact on the two and they won't be able to stand up properly now.

" I will never allow you to warn Vero and Clarkson that I already know the truth , pity for my grandfather he had never known in the beginning that three of his killers are his workers being fed by him ", Prince anger was still visible in his face , and he know he had transformed at that time . Luckily no one's around , he tried to think of relaxing things so his aura will be back to normal . He stomped at the back of the two lying in the ground at the rate of his anger right for sure they will suffer concussions and painful side effects.

But he is glad that he had caught the two already , now that he know who are the other two killers it will be much easier to catch them with the help of his friends out there. One step at a time until he will capture their target. And it feels good seeing this two lying in the ground with their back at him , he feels like he won. When the police arrive he turn over the two and file a case against them.