Chapter 49 : * Caught In Crimes *

Both Sebastien and Dairi are limping when the policeman arrive to pick them up the cop help them stand up , both of them complain of body pains and broken back ribs , they can't even stand up properly on their own even if they tried to , just to show off some dignity to those gathered around them , seeing the smirk on their faces while they are handcuff by the police , because there are two of them and they were beatin or defeated by only one man? though they have an excuse that their young boss is such a big and virile man and they heard he is a karate black belter that's why they decided to run instead of fighting him . They were also taken by surprised on how he had known the truth? nobody knows about it they make sure no one was around when they killed boss Gil? but he know! even their participation , they assumed it must be Braxton who spill the truth . Maybe he was tortured that's why he had been force to tell the truth . They thought Braxton was imprisoned because of trying to kill him which all of them in the group agreed , it had never been mentioned that he was imprison because of his participation in the crime of boss Gil , but maybe they had intentionally kept the truth to capture the four of them as well ?

Viviene was awaken because of the noisy sound of siren of patrol car and she wondered why there are policemen and what is the reason of the commotion. She was stunned to see that there are two of Prince farm workers which was captured by the policemen. Then later she noticed that they are the two which was observe by Prince at the cctv last week . Prince asked the policemen to keep the reason of their imprisonment secret for a while the two others where not taken into custody yet , but he filed a murder case against the four.. He even provided pictures of the two others just incase they visited any of the three who's behind bars now. He don't want to alert the two who are still outside just roaming around. but he had already giiven instruction which the one holding the case agreed , he had provided a xerox copy of the letter they had send and attached to the case he had filed.

" What happened ?", Viviene asked , she looks and acts normal and Prince was wondring if she was back to her normal self,

maybe the effect of his hypnosis was already gone , he felt relieved if that was the case becaue he already felt guilty because he know they we're not normally inlove to each other and she just cling to her like a glue because he used some unfair tricks or rather he used some forces to take her sexually then if that was the case he will not stop her if she wants to go home with her family.

" How d'you feel ?", Prince asked Viviene softly when he saw her standing near him trying to process in her mind what was happening right now.

" I'm just okay , why there are policemen outside ,why you send those two in prison ?", Viviene asked coming beside him.

" I hate people that betray my trust! specially those who work for me , I don't want that I'll be stab in my back because I allow people do that to me for being blinded of the truth because of my carelessness ! ", Prince explained.

" Why?", He shown her the letter , and her eyes widen after she read the letter

" Shit !.... are you sure it was them who brought here the letter ?", Viviene ask him.

" Yes of course ! I had seen them with my own eyes ! they thought no one saw them?", Prince claimed but actually he hadn't seen them , it was Alsana who had seen them where and how they put the letter but he'll never admit that of course.

" I'm so glad you saw them , they are dangerous to be around !", Viviene said as she put her arms around him.

" Yeah ! that's true ", Prince agreed .just letting her tenderly touch him.

" Don't you miss your family? we had been in a relationship for about three now but I had never heard you visit your 0family or you are visited by them ? ", Prince asked her as he look up at her. He don't want her to be away from him but for her safety while things are still dim because the real killers are still on the lose right at this time . That will be the next thing he'll do look for where they live...

" I don't know , but what's important is you are beside me.. You're the most precious thing in my life right now , just thinking I'll lost you makes my heart writ in pain ! so please don't leave me , okay?", Viviene beg him.

" Of course ! I'll never leave you ! I love you very much !", Prince sincerely look in her eyes to assure her..

" I love you very much too , I'm so glad you came into my life you make my life complete !", Viviene swear as she hug him so tight that seems she won't let even air to come between the two of them.

" I swear I feel the same and it will never change forever ", Prince promised. Upon hearing those words . Both of them are very sentimental when it came to what they feel .Prince make it sure that Viviene will never regret that she loved him , that he is worth loving and fighting for.. Justice for his gran is near at hand now , just a few sway of his hips and he is already at the last part of his mission.

He don't want to involve her with his own fight but right now he can't send her away , there's no one that will protect her except him. He don't want to implicatte her with his problems or his family problems. Anyway if all is well they will comeback to aĺl of this and , and laugh to their heart out.

The secret agent he had paid to watch out at the prison to check if Vero or Clarkson had visited the three and they we're put together in just one cell for easy look out but as usual nobody visiteđ them !...

" More patience Prince !", he encourage himself...

He was waiting for the chance to seize Vero and Clarkson and be able to put them behind bars but what he doesn't know is that they are also looking for the same chances.

The two monitored the daily routine of Prince and Viviene , both are determined to take the sumptous amount they are asking from him . They had no idea why Sebastien and Dairi are caught and imprisoned but they just called them 'stupid ' for being caught.

They had established that Prince girlfriend was the owner of Club Azotea and just even in this woman they can take money from . But still they decided to wait for the right time where they can get a much more bigger amount because of these two young couples. They decided to kidnap the two instead and asked their family for ransom but for that to materialize they need proper and extensive planning.

" The two remaining culprit is planning to kidnap you both ," Alsana inform Prince pointing at the two men standing far from them.

" So that's they are? don't worry I had been waiting for them long enough , just show themselves and they'll know who they are threatening at ", Prince angrily told the faun.

" Yes , be prepared because they are armed and hired killers , though they are working by themselves now ! still they are ruthless criminals ", Alsana warns.

" Thanks for the reminders , though I am not worried for myself but for Viviene and my family , though my family has policemen guarding them. While Viviene had me to watch and protect after her ", Prince said.

He was waiting for them to advance their move and he will throw his counter attack an attack that will leave them cripple for life that is for sure what he had instored for them . He is really wondring why there are people who will harm other to get what they want eventhough in an illegal way they don't care or the damage they might cause to their victims.

Ahhh... he really need to be vigilant in order to win this dangerous game this criminal sets up for him and his family. But he'll never let them win , he will end up victorious in the end of this game , he'll make sure of that.....

Prince had been very thankful that Viviene had become very useful and cooperative. He was always on the lookout for her safety and nothing else , he don't want to endanger this wonderful woman who had done nothing but love and cooperate with him whatever he say so , for being there for him just waiting when he'll have ample time to give her...