Chapter 50 : * Risky Encounter *

Though there are many people coming in and out of the farm , he hates to think that many people trespass in their farm which is suppose to be a private property ? that's why they are in danger. It was Sunday and he and Viviene decided to stay in the farm because of the fresh air anyway it is suppose to be rest day for every workers . But it had been irritating for him when he found out Vero and Clarkson, those killers can come in and out of his farm , he decided to make it a strict compliance that no particular are allowed to enter the farm , he will make it sure that starting tomorrow there will be a signage place outside of the farm that anybody who's not a farm worker or members of their family cannot enter the vicinity of the farm to protect his workers as well as himself and Viviene including his own family unlike what happened to his grandfather , because they can roam around they had reach as far as the river at the far end area of the farm.

" Who gives you the permission to come inside my farm ? aren't you taught even by your parents to avoid trespassing in others property? you can be sent to jail by doing so !", he irritably lectured the two middle aged men Vero and Clarkson. He knows their identity but because Viviene is around he don't want to get so angry that may reveal his other scary persona when he is angry , she may get scared if incase she found out the truth or maybe not , but right now he don't want to guess the risk he decided to avoid it instead.

" We had been coming in and out of here even before you arrive since your grandfather's days !", Clarkson angrily retorded , upon hearing that Prince grab his leather jacket and punch him in his jaw which almost make the other man unconconcious because he was caught offguard , he had never expected the action made by Prince. Vero tried to stop him and remove his vice grip hand that hold Clarkson unmoving.. He put his other hand in a griplike hold on Vero's neck also who had been pulled up in the air with his two foot wriggling in the air , while his hands are moving in the air looking for something solid he can hold on to but he found none.

" Gwwwaaarkkk.....gwaaarkkk !", he was choking and he has difficulty in breathing he is trying to remove Prince fingers from his neck but he can't take it while Prince laughing looking at their discomfort. He love what he is seeing right now , the pain they felt is nothing compared to what his granddad felt when the five of them collaborated to kill him , he felt like it was an accomplishment seeing them suffer and unable to breathe properly .

" So that's why I don't want you to come inside of my farm anymore because you have no business in coming here !", more angrily Prince insolently shouted at them , because of the deep emotion he felt right now as he scream at the two older man the ground shake which surprise the two criminals for few minutes , even the soil they're standing at begin to erode but they can't move because of the sudden dizziness that attack them until the shaking subside.

" You don't know who you are talking to young man ! don't be so arrogant that attitude might harm you!", Clarkson warn who was trying to take something inside his jacket but he can't take it while Prince was holding his arms he suddenly put down Vero who fell on the ground , then he slap Clarkson on both side of the face. The action surprised the man and had taken the older man by surprised. Such action made him unconcious for a few seconds.

" Yeah , yeah , I better kill you here so you can no longer hurl a threat at me ! he want to hit him against the wall to compensate the aggrieve feeling he has right now , but he control himself because Viviene is sleeping he don't want to awaken her in the room and look at him. He don't want her to have a bad impression of him.

" You're right letting both of you come anytime had left my grand dad dead because of your stab ! right Vero? as well as shot dead by you right Clarkson?", Prince would like to say but he said instead.

" The next time I see you come here I will not hesitate to hurt you till you become cripple so you can no longer harm anybody anymore , and stop grinning ! you look like an evil which I want to send back to hell !", softly but angrily Prince poked at the two. Both Vero and Clarkson look at each other upon hearing what he said , Nervousness was visible in their faces and the ordeal they had experience from him as Vero run limping away from him holding Clarkson's arm who fall for three times before he can run straight.

" The more you'll be afraid of us because we are capable of killing you , your girlfriend and every member of your family ", Clarkson said , Again after hearing such words Prince flying kick followed the two who both fall flat on the ground.

" Hahhh! ... i challenge you to just try ! and you'll see what you're looking for and why should I'll be afraid of you ? you're just lazy criminals who wants to sucks money from me , think again stupids , you 'll better be more afraid because I don't need a gun or knife to kill you both stupids old men ! you are just both useless criminals , you can't eat without a support from my gran or me? that's why you're asking again ? but sorry ! I'll never give you a single centavos bastards !", Prince angrily swear. He intentionally insulted them to arise their anger and he is ready to fight them.

" You're so arrogant ! let's see on how courageous you are according to your words if we shot and stab you !", the two said both breathless and running out of breathe.

" I'll wait for you anytime ! just come to me and you'll see that I am your worst night mare!", according to Prince that smirk arrogantly at the two .

" Prince ?!", Viviene call him as she came out of the room and saw what he was doing to the two older men. He immediately put the two men down with a warning...

" The next time I see you here , I will not hesitate to kill you both ! you owe my family big time and that is both your life to pay! ", he whisper at the two old men who runs out of the farm because of the nervousness they felt.

" Why it seems he is too angry on us ? do you think he did knows that we are the killer of his granddad?", Clarkson asked Vero when they are already far from the farm.

" Actually I have no idea too !", Vero answered massaging his neck.

" I had never expected him to be that strong !", Clarkson said.

" Yeah! me too ! I can't imagine that he can pull me up in the air while he is restraining your movement too!", Vero can't believe at what he had experience earlier. There is something about this young man which is scary of him , his strength though he is a big guy is so extraordinary. He can even defeat by his strength a big elephant or a wild lion.

" We can never defeat him in a clean and fair way but by a treacherous way !", Clarkson said .

' Yeah , we have to plan it further especially now that there's just the two of us , the three were already in jail ", Vero agreed.

" We need to recruit more men to help us with our plans , now that we are not allowed to enter their farm ", Clarkson said.

" Are you afraid of his words?", Vero asked the other , who think for a few seconds.

" How about you?", Clarkson asked him back.

" Not so much !", Vero replied trying to show up he is courageous than the other.

" Okay ! you did that I'll just wait outside of his farm , while you are inside ", Clarkson decided.

" What? we should both go ! anyway we will bring knife and guns to kill him !", Vero said.

" I had brought my gun today but I had no chance to use it ,I couldn't get it from my pocket and I couldn't move you know !", Clarkson explain.

" Really? you must had been very nervous that's why !", Vero's opinion.

" No , it seems there's a force that suppress me from moving , and when he slap me ? I really lost my consciousness !", Clarkson said.

" Just because of that you're afraid? always remember we're criminals , we are not afraid of anything ", Vero encouraged him.

" There's something airy about that boy you know ! thinking abiut that make's all my body hairs raised to the different level ", Clarkson told Vero.