Chapter 51 : * The Revenge *

Another month pass by before Vero and Clarkson launch their attack against Prince and this time they decided that it should be on his way home not in the farm , whatever it may cost they were afraid to attack him in his farm it will be their disadvantage if they tried. Prince had expected such attack but because he was tired at that time and all he wanted was to have sound sleep and longed after rest for the night.

Prince and Viviene are on their way home from a long and stressful night in the Club Azotea , many customer had come tonight because salary night so many had money to spend to their vices, before Prince come down to open the gate while Viviene was soundly sleeping beside him in the car , two men came out from the woods located in the other side of the road then aim the gun at him , he was stunned at first the tiredness and whole day of work had weaken his body and he wanted to have some goodnight sleep and rest so he felt angry because instead of coming home to rest he was met by this men who brought exciting death attempt to their life , He stared at the guns while his other persona was beginning to come out because he started to feel agitated and angry . After he stared intently at the guns of the two men , their guns started to melt down which the two men doesn't notice at first but because the guns melt at their hands that's why their hands was burned and they instantly dropped their guns because of the burning pain.

Both were screaming of pain and runs in different direction Vero and Clarkson came out from where they are hiding calling after those two who runs away.

" Heyyyy.... look at those cowards ", Clarkson was holding the gun and aim at him ,he do not question the capability of this man in killing , because of the darkness he is not aware that Prince had transformed into two colors and Prince consider that as a blessing in disguise because he don't want to reveal his other colors and looks to anybody now at the same time that Viviene was asleep because he is not in the mood to explain anything at anybody right now too , even to Viviene.

" Okay ,, shoot him and I'll stab him at the other side !", Vero instructed Clarkson.

" Yup , we should launch together so we'll win !", Clarkson agreed.

" Hello !!!... I heard your plans ! is there nothing new?", Prince would want to irritably commented , but he just wait for them to act harshly against him and he doesn't wait for Clarkson to fire the gun , he soon stared at the gun and a laser like light came out from his eyes and the lazer light gun melted and again burned Clarksons hands the he stared at Vero's direction too and tried to melt his knife and because it was made of metal he succeed in melting it too. both of them burned their hands both of them run away from him when they felt the liquify melted gun which hurt both ojf their hands , and he made it sure that the damage was big enough to hurt the hands of both criminals. Prince called the secret agent police he had hired to help him in capturing the two it was the secret agent who called the police force to capture both Vero and Clarkson.

After the two run away Prince follow them and hit their retreating back by his car not just once but twice , Viviene stir up from her sleep and open her eyes when she felt that something was hit by the car .

" What's that ? I felt that there's something your car had hit? ", while rubbing her eyes Viviene asked , looking out of the car widow and checking if there's anything out there but she had found nothing extraordinary.

" You must have been dreaming , I don't feel anything , besides we're home now ", Prince just smiled at her and luckily she doesn't notice the changes in the image of the man beside her .

" Yeah , I think you're right ! are we home now?", she asked.

" We're nearly home , just a few turns and we are !", he stroke her face tenderly as he say so , he wants to make sure that after they were caught they can no longer harm any member of his family and they'll be able to live peacefully even after they were out of prison because they no longer have the capabilities to be of harm to anybody or any family because they will be cripple after this , he decided because of his irritation. He know that he is too cruel in doing this but they are lucky because they are still alive while his gran will never wake up or come back to life again. Thirty minutes after the policemen arrive and pick up the two criminals from the street , both were unconscious and their hands were burned of some melted chemicals which they don't know.

Prince was glad that his secret is safe right now , no one suspected that it was his doing the burning in their hands and it is his car that hit the two. Because of the extent of the damage Vero lost his other hand while Clarkson 's other's foot had to be cut off because of the damage cause by the car collision on his foot. The two had to spend a month in the hospital to fully recover before they were lock up in jail to face the trial of the case he had filed against the five of them.

The policemen has suspicion at him that he is the pne that hit the two but they had no proof to back up the theory they believe so the case against

" Are you sure it is not your scheme that hurt this two ?", one of the policemen asked him.

" Of course not! I will never stoop down to the level of those criminals ", Prince replied.

The two criminals were crying when their consciousness come back. Each of them had already lost some important part of their body and it is frustrating for them to .

" Why do you have to cut off my hands without my permission?", Veto asked the doctor who decided to cut off his hand.

" Your hand was already infected because of harmful chemical that your hand encountered last night !", the Dr. answered.

Vero was so frustrated à hand is very important for him having strong hand is one of his asset and losing it means that it felt as though he had also lost his life as well.

Clarkson was also in horror when he couldn't move one of his feet the same with some of his hand fingers which according to the dortor was also infected that's why needed to be cut off too a three fingers.

Prince felt no remorse over the damage cause by his cruelty to the two criminals infact he feels as though his grandfather death has been vindicated .

" You're a devil in disguise !", Clarkson angrily hurled at Prince when he visited the two criminals in the hospital.

" A doze of your own medicine?", Prince hurl back at the man.

" They doesn't know that you are as cruel as a devil !", Clarkson told him.

" What's the fuzz old man? look at yourself , you are alive while my grandfather is dead because of your doing ! a shame , after asking money from him , after he had supported you in your vices , the five of you killed my old grandfather ! so where's your conscience ?", Prince asked Clarkson.

" We are not at fault there , we know nothing about the death of your grandfather !", Clarkson denied the allegation.

" Deny all you can , but I know what 's the truth ! I know you and Vero are the culprit that killed my grandfather , losing your foot and some of your fingers is nothing compared to the life of my grandfather that you take away from us ! ", Prince angrily snap at them.

" We did nothing wrong to your grandfather , he was our friend !", Vero said.

" Huhh ! really ? I'll never want you to be my friend ! you are dangerous for a friend , you will killed your friend , but I am happy that at last you'll be behind bars !", Prince said.

" Please we did nothing wrong ! don't send us to jail !:", Vero beg Prince.

" Do you want me to hit your other hands so that you'll lost both of your hands ? I 'll do that when I see you again outside of prison !", Prince told him.

" Of course not !", Vero replied nervously.

" Thst's why stop lying ! you and I know what you did to me that night , the attempt you made on my life , ehat do you think of me ! a fool ?", Prince asked them. Both Clarkson and Vero allowed themselves to be led by the policeman that will bring them to prison from this hospital.