Chapter 58 : * Special Childrens *

" What are you doing ? stop playing with fire you might burn our house down !", Viviene scold thirdy who is fond of playing fire as in literally fire , he loves the flaming effect of the burning fires in his hands. No need for a match the flames just came out from his hands and he enjoy the soothing effect it does to his fingers , he even had a laser eyes but all of those powers are secret from other people because his dad said his life as well as their family's life will be in danger if people find it out. Viviene get nervous everytime she saw her son playing with fire , she inspected her son's hand closer if he had burns in his hand but there is none..

" Please calm down ! no need to worry , look ! there was not even a single blister in his hand ", Prince tenderly told his wife , he just hug her to pacify her nervousness.

" I don't know what's wrong with this kid but he seems weird ! and you're just tolerating him!",, Viviene complained as she turn her eyes in his direction.

" Ow , come on ! that's no big deal ! our kids are special with special talents and there's nothing wrong with that ", Prince defended his son.

" I don't understand why you're not listening to me , what I mean is there is something wrong with ourr son !", Viviene heatedly argue with her husband who is just grinning. His indifference to the favorite play of her son irritate her , being a parent of this children she don't want to be accuse of negligence when her son had burned some property or someone just by his innocence.

Everytime she saw him playing with fire , an argument with both his parents will follow that's why he tried to keep it from his mother.

Prince had never again used his powers but unexpectedly his son was displaying the same power.

" Well , that's cool , he can use that to protect himself someday ", Prince just shrugged his shoulders .

The concentration of the couple's argument always focus on their eldest son because Viva was so cute and adorable with her antics of soft voice , she don't know but her daughter had the capacity to soothe her anger and whatever she asked she had no strength to say no to her ! that's why Thirdy complained that she had a favorite child in this house and that is his sister Viva.

" That's not true , I love both of you but I want to protect you from harm or causing harm to others !", Viviene explained to her brooding son how ever hard she explained to pacify her sulking son. She look at her husband direction as if asking for help in explaining to her upset son but he just shrugged his shoulder and smiled back at her as if telling her ' it's your time to shine '...

" But mom , I am not hurting anybody , I am just playing because it's cool ! no one among my friends and classmate can do what I am capable of !", her son said , she resignedly breathe deep , it is not easy to explain yourself to somebody who is not ready to listen to her for reason ...

Prince and Viviene is happy and contented with their life as family until one day Prince notice the toys that his children was playing in their playroom their toycar and bike was made of shiny golden materials. They even have a goldbars to play with not just one but four pieces.

" Where did you get this ?", Prince asked his children holding the toycar and bike.

" My friend give that as a gift for my birthday ", Thirdy replied pointing at the golden toycar and bike.

" My friend also give these as a gift for my birthday too , every year one of each , that's why I have four ! ", Viva wave to him innocently the goldbars ..He already know who give them the gifts , so he was visiting his family without his knowledge ?.. He will talk to him when he comes to Canla Kingdom , he had never thanked him and he think it is time to do so..

But he had never seen him when he visited Larene and his kids , even the shadow of Sultan had never seen shown at him , he had to wait for the coming birthday celebration of Viva , if that is the case he will surely visit her on her birthday..

" Can you introduce him to me when he comes ?", Prince asked his daughter who just nodded and get back to her play again.

Until the birthday party of Viva comes , many visitors arrived mostly are kids with their parents or nanny. He thought Viva had forgotten what they had agreed at but she doesn't , she come to him holding the hand of the man in his middle aged while she's holding the gift wrapped with beautiful design giftwrap. He doesn't look like the Sultan he know but he was a good looking middle aged man with the air of superiority in him..

" Dad , this is my friend Sultan !", his daughter presented to him.

Sultan smiled at him , and he just nod at his daughter and smiled back at the man.. When his daughter run back to her classmates and friends gather in the lanai ready to sing happy birthday to her. Sultan also turned his back to leave him and beginning to disappear before him .

" Father ! ", he called at him , the sudden disappearance of Sultan suspended in the air when he heard him called him with his most awaited special word..

Sultan looked back at him with a wide grin in his face , happiness is evident in his face as Prince come near him and hug him.

" Father , thank you very much for everything you had provided to us !", Prince heartfelt gratitude on his father who was stunned because for the first time his son called him ' father ' and he felt great .. He loved all of his children but Prince had never consider him as his father , it had always been Joseph whom he address as his father but after all those years , he had called him father , at last he had admitted that he was his father ...

**** D' END *****