Chapter 57 : *The Greatest Union of Hearts *

A week Before the wedding of queen Philles and King Pietre , Philles was nowhere to be found but her horse Philippa was left grazing grasses in the wide plain of Canla kingdom. All of the military leaders and soldiers of the kingdom had worked hard to find the missing new lady ruler.

She was declared missing and that is dangerous for the Canla kingdom that some kingdom might take advantage because of the absence of it's ruler.. They had suspected that it might be the doing of Basia or Prince Zapiro , another suspected was Prince Achi because King Pietre had been chosen instead of him but all of those are just allegation until a witness came out that points at King Pietre as the culprit who kidnapped Philles. The queen is 6'1" tall , very beautiful with a body to die for and walk as though she's always in a catwalk , very graceful that's why she always draws attention when she's walking around , like most of the worlds famous models or beauty queens , with a long straight shiny hair that always left undone and just hang beautifully and played with the air while she rode her horse , but how is she compared to the 7 footer king of Pitro?

The suspicion might be true because inspite of her powers Philles is still a woman and like her King Pietre is well equipt with his own powers .

Then a day before their wedding Philles and King Pietre shows up together for the preparation and by that time Philles no longer complained but willingly go along with the wedding but her angry stares at the king was noticeable but no one has the courage to asked her while the king is just grinning as though very enthusiastic and happy with their union.

Philles and king Pietre looked good together as they walked the long isle going to the altar where his grandfather who came out of the ruler temple just to officiate the wedding. Sultan Sota is so proud looking at his beaming daughter as they approached the altar for their bows. For the first time al of the retired rulers are present for the what they called as 'The greatest union of hearts'..or in human terms wedding of the century..

" What happened ? where have you been ?", Prince tried to open the conversation with the queen when he saw her alone in a corner when the king had attended to something important though he never wanted to leave behind his new wife.

" Don't worry everythings okay !", she just

replied assuring him.

" We had been looking for you all over the kingdom , did the king do something inappropriate to you? did he really kidnapped you?", Prince wanted to know the truth.

" It's over now , there's nothing to worry about , I am already married to that king there's nothing I can do but love him as my husband from now on !", Philles answered intent to do what she said.

" Did he force himself on you ? did he raped you? ", Only Prince can asked ber as personal as this.

" Even if he did it's no use to bother talking about it now ", Philles answered.

" So he did !",Prince retorded loudly.

" He was very annoy when I told him I want to cancel the wedding because I didn't love him ", Philles opened up.

" That's why he kidnap you against your will? just because you tromped his pride? ", Prince unbelieving said.

" Prince I told you it's okay now , I'm already married to him , it's no use talking about it now !", Philles told him.

" I understand what you mean ", Prince finally said agreeing to what she said.

" A pity I hadn't had the chance to meet your other family , how I wish they had been able to attend my wedding too !", Philles told him after a while.

" Viviene will surely go wild if she found out about Larene and the kids , so it is better this way to separate my human side to my other identity , it is more peaceful and I can enjoy both of this world !", Prince replied..

" Your kids are growing so fast , in a few years more and they are no longer recognizable because they're already very tall and grows up beautifully ", Philles told him.

" In three months time another baby girl will be added to my family , Viviene will be giving birth to our third child ", Prince commented excitedly.

" I'm so happy for you !", Philles told him.

" I wish for you to have your own kids too sooner than we expected !", Prince wish at his sister that frown at the idea.

" Pietre wanted for us to have a child but I think I am not ready yet for the coming of that kid ", Philles answered but of course Prince doubt it knowing how verile the king is, who had the habit of spreading his genes anywhere he fancy but of course he just kept what he thought to himself.

Because of Larene and the kids , his relationship with his family becomes closer , even Ono who had a rift with him before because of Larene , decided to end the grudges by marrying his favorite whore than with Larene who bear a daughter to Prince without his knowledge . His new wife had been his constant companion and he always bring her with him whereever he was assigned to work at in the palace .

Larene had patiently understand his situation but she makes it sure that her allotted days with Prince was followed religiously . His tuesdays and fridays belong to her and her kids , so she diligently transported him on these days and Viviene is already used to the idea that he was busy on these days so she no longer look for him .

She just accepted whatever his reason is for beeing out of reach on these days , anyway she's also busy taking care of her two kids specially that both are going in school already. She even hired a club manager for Club Azotea because she no longer have time to manage it but she don't want to sell it as well because it was a business of her own father.

. After the wedding of Philles and King Pietre , the ancestors come back to rulers temple with a promise to look after the kingdom and blessed the new couple.

Pietre was very possessive of his new wife , she can't even roam around Canla kingdom without him , or talk to any male creature both in Canla and in Pitro. They never thought about it but now they know that he must have really loved Philles. They go together when they visit Canla as well as when they are in Pitro , They take turns divided the days in a week to stay in Canla and in Pitro.

Since after their marriage the King no longer a philandeering soul to women but he concentrated on his new young wife who had given birth to a twin a boy and a girl which is the first time that ever happened to the kingdom.

The arrival of the twin had been celebrated for a month by both kingdoms , everybody were happy for the couple who are excited happy parents for the first time.

Again the retired leaders of the Canla kingdom comes out of the temple to celebrate and welcomes the arrival of the twins. Unlike what she said before Philles is very attentive doting mother to her childrens , which sometimes cause an argument between the couple because the possessive complain of her limited time for him and he want that the children will be taken cared by the nannies instead which Philles disagreed.

" He always sucks me of attention for him, what should I do ? spend my days just staring at him? he even complained of the time I gave my childrens " , Philles annoyed of the king.

" He just love you so much that he wants you to be by his side everytime he turns around ", Prince tease his brooding sister.

" He is already annoying , it was him who wanted childrens then when they came he complained of the little time I have for him ", Philles said.

" That's the price of having a husband that loves you so much , " Prince laughing at his sister annoy expression.

" You're lucky to have a husband that wants you by his side always , unlike me who's begging a precious little time from my husband ", Larene once told to Philles.

" You know of my situation , I am already married to Viviene when you showed up , I can't leave Viviene behind for you and the kids I loved her as well as I love you ", Prince explained.

" I am not complaining just stating facts to let Philles see the difference ", Larene answered. She love Prince and she's ready to accept whatever little time he is capable of giving her and the kids , she had agreed to this set up so she must bear the outcome of her decision as long as she's happy in having him around even with a complication in between...