Chapter 56 : * The New Lady Ruler *

Ten long years had passed , today is friday and he is in Canla kingdom to spend the whole day with Larene and Princess . This had been his set up since after his marriage to Larene.

In the upper portion of the land he saw a glimpse of a beautiful woman riding in a golden horse .

" Philles !", he called out her name while waving in her direction. She looks very beautiful and alluring while riding her favorite horse Philippa that grows up with her. It's color resembles that of a gold , it shines when

the sun rays focus on their direction.

She used to do that everyday , being the new ruler of the Canla kingdom after Sultan announces his retirement and decided to live with his ancestors peacefully inside the Rulers Temple where all of the previous leaders before him lived with his five wives who was there to take care of him too.

But there were times that he also comes out of the temple to roam around the kingdom or visit some important people for him like his son Thirdy and his six years old daughter Viva who had never been in Canla kingdom bringing gifts to his kids.

Philles was the picture perfect of a great leader watching after her kingdom. But there is sadness in her eyes as he come closer to his sister who waited for him to come near.

" Hello brother !", Philles was trying to make her voice sounds enthusiastic.

" I'm so glad to see you again , are you waiting for someone ?", he asked her.

" No , I am just being a dutiful ruler that watch after her kingdom to protect it ", Philles replied seriousness was in her voice.

" You're such a great leader , don't worry I will commission someone to make a statue of you to be displayed up here ", Prince said , it was meant as a joke but he really had planned to do that. He know that her sister was very sad because the man of her life Prince Zapiro was seduce by Basia , and it was the two that got married instead and Philles had officiated their union being the new ruler.

He knew that Basia did that to spite Philles and to hurt her and it works because the sadness was very visible in her sisters eyes.

Prince Zapiro is one of the son of the King Kilai of the Kilaue kingdom , another volcano ruler found in Central Pacific area of the U.S . He was a very good looking athletic man , 6 ' 7" in height and a very large man , actually played in Harvard Basketball team as one of their varsity.

They had been classmate in one of the subjects when Philles artended Harvard School in America. It was Prince Zapiro that pursue Philles , he was so keen on having her

inspite of the reality that many are pursuing Philles because of her exceptional beauty and inner glow , he came all the way to Canla kingdom just to visit Philles during school vacation , and it was during those visits that Basia met Prince Zapiro and set up to seduce the handsome prince.

Prince had attended the wedding and right after the ceremony Philles left and spend time up in this site til night time come crying. He pitied Philles Prince Zapiro is her first love

and he is also her first frustration that cause her so much desperation. She cannot totally blame Prince Zapiro because she know it was Basia who always wanted to crushed her and seeing her reaction Basia succeed in hurting her.

Until now Prince Zapiro is still pursuing Philles but it was Philles that kept on avoiding him because if he really love her he will never give in to Basia seduction.

Right now the Prince of Etna Kingdom Prince Achi pursue Philles and he was a very good looking and reserve young man , a righteous guy in his own way . And another is the Pietre , king of Pitro Kingdom a lady's man even without intent , he is as goodlooking as well with his 7 foot height a very tall and large creature , a verile womanizer , whereever he goes the women swoon at his feet he can capture a lady's heart just by smiling at them , but Philles don't want to fall for him because he was a picture of pain for her because a lot of lady wants to seduce him as well , he entails a long line of trouble and heart ache for her . But it was Sultan who betrotted her to the king who had come to meet her ancestors when he visited the rulers kingdom to ask for her hands in marriage , she never knew of his intention because he never talk to her and they just met once in one of the party that Canla kingdom held to welcome the new addition , for the birth of the new member of their family a new son of Larene and Prince , Prince Lawrence. King Pietre asked her permission to visit the ruler temple after the party , wherein only rulers and leaders of each kingdom can enter , after the party he talk to her ancestors and she doesn't know what about but she doesn't care that much because she is still tending after her broken heart cause by the marriage of Basia and Prince Zapiro , it was later that she discover of his intention of marrying the new young lady ruler who had captured his heart at the mere sight of her , it was later when their ancestors called for Philles and talk to her about it., but she know that inspite of his many long line of children he never marry any creature , Philles was surprised when she was called by her ancestors and talk about the betrottal , she hated the betrottal and Sultan is aware of that but it was the decision of all of her ancestors who lived in the rulers temple.

" He is the perfect king for you , being the new queen , you need a tough king to rule with you over the kingdom ", her grandfather insist.

" I hate to think that he is a heart breaker , inspite of his many children with different women he never legitimized any of them and that is heartbreaking. I don't want to attend to women crying in my presence because of his sexual expiditions ", Philles reason out when they talked which he laugh so loud that almost makes Philles cried .

" What's important is , he had chosen to marry you instead rather than any of them who had given birth to his children ", her grandfather explained.

Her meeting with her ancestors had cause her many days of unspoken discouragement and dissatisfaction that nobody would like to listen. Only him knows of her bad feeling towards the incoming wedding , but how she can run away when by doing so will mean she abandon her kingdom?

" What do you think if it was Basia that i'll marry off to him? she was eyeing Pietre again and it will pull me off from a lot of trouble ", Philles joked when they have a heart to heart talk after the meeting.

" But how about Pietre? would he like Basia to be his wife?", I asked Philles laughing.

" Seducing prince Zapiro had been easy for her , I know she can do that also knowing how womanizer that king is ", Philles replied.

" But how about prince Zapiro ? will he allow her to ho seduce the king?", Prince asked again.

" I don't know and I no longer care !", Philles retorded ...

" He must be serious about his intention to marry you because he exert effort to visit the rulers temple and ask permission to marry you !", Prince reasoned that kept Philles silent for a few minutes.

" You must be right ! but I am still worried about the future instored for me with that pervert king ", Philles finally said.

" Let the future decide for you , you will only know that creature when you lived with him in one house and it takes so many years before you know him personally ", Prince adviced his sister.

" Father !...", it was Prince daughter and son running in his direction that ends their serious conversation. Larene was trying to stop her children from running competitively in his direction.

When he look back at his sister , she's smiling in Laurin and Lawrence direction , she seemed very fond of his children as she stared at them.

" After your marriage you will have your own princes and princesses and they will be the strongest contender for royalty in any kingdom ", as Prince told his sister.

He is very happy that he had been able to penetrate both of this worlds , the world of the unknown and the human world ! he had kept a lot of secret from his human wife , while his other wife Larene knows everything about him even his most secret thoughts. He felt welcome in both worlds and it is nice to feel that you have a lot of family members that love and cared for you.