Chapter 55 : * Surprise Wedding *

" Sultan Sota wants to see you , he send me and my daughter to bring you with me in Canla Kingdom ", Larene told Prince.

" Okay , let me talk with Viviene first before I'll go with you and besides she know nothing about us or the other world , but still I want to be honest with her , I will ask her permission before we go ", Prince told Larene.

" Okay , just make it fast , we can't let Sultan and other members of your family to wait for us longer than expected ", according to Larene.

Viviene cried hard when Prince told her that Larene's parents wants to see him , he wanted to be honest to his wife but how he can tell her about Sultan and the many members of his family ? his family that she know are his parents and his two sisters , and he is not ready to reveal to her his other family and other world , luckily at the end she allowed Prince to go with Larene to face the wrath of her family , her love for her husband exceed compared to the jealousy she felt towards the beautiful woman who was the ex of her husband .

Prince thought that Sultan Sota just wanted to talk to him but unexpectedly a celebration was prepared for him and Larene .

" Wait ! what's this all about ? ", puzzled Prince asked , when it was announced that they are celebrating their wedding day.

" This is yours and Larene's wedding day !", Philles excitedly answered at his query.

" But I am already married to a human girl and we'll soon be parents ", Prince argued.

" There 's nothing wrong in having more than one wife , we are allowed in our world ", Sultan Sota answered.

" But I don't want to hurt my wife right now , I had loved her already and she loved me as well ", Prince reasoned out.

" Larene will be your wife here in Canla Kingdom and Viviene is your wife in the human world , we want your daughter Princess Laurin to be a legitimate heir of our family , she is your first born and she has the right to be respected as a princess of the kingdom", Sultan explained.

Prince wanted to argued but he thought that it will be unfair for Larene and his daughter if he abandon them , it was actually a big celebration and it takes a whole day for the whole kingdom to celebrate. Larene's parents seems satisfied at the outcome of their marriage. Even Ono who had been his contender at the love of Larene had marry his favorite whore instead , he give in when the pregnancy of Larene had been known in the whole kingdom so he is one of the well wisher when it was decided that she will be married to him because of their daughter.

Because of the unexpected circumstances Prince got himself a two wives to live but that is without Viviene knowledge that he is also married to Larene. He was expected to spend his tuesdays and fridays at Canla kingdom to spend some days with Larene and his daughter just like what they had agreed.. He had gone to Canla to marry Larene , so in the other world she is married to Prince and in the human world Prince is married to Viviene .

They never lived in the same house and Larene had accepted the set up that they are married as long as Prince give her the time when she needed him while Viviene knew nothing about the truth. It says that anything you don't know will never hurt you .

" Where have you been yesterday? I had been looking for you but I hadn't saw you ", Viviene complained once.

" I had visited the farm , because I seldom go there already ", Prince answered , it was a lie but if he told her that she spends time with Larene she will surely cry in desperation. He felt guilty because of lying in his wife , but if that's the only way that he can't hurt her by keeping the truth then let this be..

Prince lifestyle had been that way , and he never heard complained from any of his two wives about his time management .

When his son Joseph d' third , was born Larene and Princess Laurin visited Viviene and the new born in the hospital without Viviene's knowledge. Prince was happy because Larene understands and not giving him a hard time.. She had been willing to share him with Viviene and his son , he admired her patience and selflessness and the love that she is willing to share with his other family without the knowledge of the other .

" I am so lucky to have you as my wife , you're so kind , and thank you for taking care of my son while Viviene is still too weak to take care of him ", Prince told Larene as he kissed her lips. He had been spending most of his time with Larene while Viviene is still weak from giving birth. He felt that he is being unfair to Viviene as well as with Larene but he never expected to be married to this two wonderful women. So he felt that the advantage of having two wives is when the other is not available there is still another that can be used for his sexual needs he, he, he ...

Without the knowledge of Viviene that it was Larene that take care of her son while Prince can just sleep without worrying that his son might get hungry in the middle of the night because Larene is there to feed his son.

" Darling , thank you for taking care of our son ", Viviene told Prince because she never heard that her son cried in the middle of the night she doesn't know that it was Larene who takes care of her son . Another thing is she doesn't know that Larene is just sleeping in the other room where he spends his night. Anyway he should not feel guilty because both of them are his wife and he has the obligation to sexually satisfied each of them.

" I love our son , just get a lot of sleep and rest so that you will regain your strength in the shortest time possible ", Prince told Viviene as he kissed her tenderly on her lips.

" Eventhough you had been too tired from your work still your obligations as a father to our son and being my husband is still your priority , still you make time to take care of our son and me ", Viviene happily told her husband.

" I'm so happy that you give me a son , my life is complete because of my son and my daughter Princess , my childrens makes my life complete. There 's nothing I could ask for more ", Prince as sentimental as ever.

Pity for Viviene she doesn't know that he is cheating on her if what he is doing is cheating , she never know that he is also married to Larene , but what if she knows? how will she react to the truth? right now he don't know what to say when she find out the truth.

He felt as though he became a pervert desiring both of his wives He had to exert more effort to please both of his wives in bed to do everything he can to make each of his wives be satisfied in bed. It's a bit tiresome but a good body exercise it makes his body felt fit and he can never asked for more.. Ahh.. this is life and it never cross his mind that time will come that he will have two wives to live with and please ? he never asked for it but it had been given to him in the most unexpected way..

Both are good woman that he can be proud of , a good and loving wife to him and has given him two beautiful childrens. He wanted both of his children to grow up in an upright way , for the first time in a week that his son was born he heard him scream , the first time since he was born. though hearing how his son screamed he know he has such a strong lungs. He was in such a deep thought when suddenly the earth moved , Prince realized that his son can make the earth shake too and he doesn't know if he should be happy for that?

" No doubt he really came from me , he had such power that he surely get from me ", Prince thought.

" Oh my God ! what 's happening? do you feel that?", Viviene can't comprehend what 's going on because she gather her son in her arms.

" Relax , everythings okay , it will soon be back in a normal !" as he tried to calmed her.