Chapter 54 : * Legal At Last *

A week from now , the Roxin family without their eldest son Prince are coming back to the U.S. The family feel a little sad because their only son will be left behind to manage the livelihood that their patriarch had been worked hard for so many years. They can't just left it , because his love and hard worked for this farm had cause him to lose his precious life.

But as they are busy planning for their

" despedida party " when Viviene had run to the kitchen and vomitting , Karen and Joseph

look at the haggard face of their son's girlfriend they had suspected something but they better make it sure before they say something.

" What happened? are you not feeling well ?", Karen asked as she stand in her while she's trying to regain her composure.

" I don't know but a few since a few days ago I always feel dizzy and I was vomitting ", Viviene explained.

" I'll bring you to the doctor tomorrow for a check up , you might be pregnant ", Karen decided.

" What ? do you think so?" , puzzled Viviene stared at Prince who just stare back at her worry in his eyes.

" The big question is are you ready to be parents and take care of your kid? for the parental responsibility " , Karen asked looking at her son direction.

The next day Karen accompanied Viviene to the doctor and it had been proven that her suspicion was confirmed ..

" Congrats , you're six weeks and three days pregnant !" , the doctor confirm as she shake Viviene hands.

" What ?", unbelieving Viviene asked.

" So I'll be grandmother soon !", Karen was ecstatic at the good news.

" I am not sure if Prince will be happy at this news ", Viviene unsure of the reaction of her boyfriend.

." I know my son , he will be happy of this good news , he is a responsible man he will surely welcome your child with open arms !", Karen told Viviene.

" I hope so mama ", upon hearing that Karen hug Viviene tightly. She's happy to hear that Viviene call her mama.

" Not bad , two additional member in my family !" , Karen happily exclaimed.

" Son it is time for both of you to decide when you'll make your relationship officially legal , let's make it as soon or within this week before we go back to the states , I don't want my grandson or granddaughter be born out of wedlock !", Joseph said. The next day that follow both Prince and Viviene becomes busy in processing for their civil wedding.

" We'll just formally get married in the church when my parents comes back from Spain " , Viviene decided.

" Okay , whatever you decided , anyway my family is just here to support us in whatever we decided." Prince said which Viviene agreed. Through the help of Joseph and Karen the wedding of the young couple takes place and they were much happier thinking that now they are both bind to each other forever , there's no turning back. Only few of their family and friends had attended the wedding.

They also had prepared foods for the farm workers and employees of their processing plant , Joseph had decided to formally ntroduced to their employees his son and his new wife , eventhough this is not the first time that Prince come to the company because he was the one that tends to the needs of the company and their employees since they arrive after his gran's death. still being introduce as the new boss make him feel elated , the company was the first business establish by his grandfather that grows and now it is his responsibility too.

They decided to transfer to the big house and just employ a couple to take care of the old house so it won't deteriorate . They just visit it everytime they visit the farm which is thrice a week , he was dividing his time between the farm and the processing company , though it makes him so tired still it makes him feel fulfilled as a businessman.

His responsibility was making him so tired that he can no longer accompany Viviene to look after her Club Azotea , he forbid her in going at the club because of her condition but she insist on being there twice a week and they settled for that agreement.

Viviene was already in her tenth weeks of pregnancy when someone visited their family .

" Do you still remember me ?",

" Who are you?", Viviene was surprise to see a beautiful woman sitting in the big sofa with a baby in her arms.

" Larene?", Prince uttered as he see her.

" You know her?", Viviene asked Prince and realized he did when she saw his reaction upon seeing the woman. He is not even surprised how she had gotten inside their home if infact the maids were all out because they asked her permission last night that they'll go today to shop after they receive their salary and they allow them thinking they can just enjoy their day off once a month.

" What happened to you? where have you been ? I hadn't see you after the duel !", Prince asked Larene , which hurt Viviene because Prince attention was focus on the woman alone. She felt as though she do not exist to the two who exchanges questions. She decided to go upstairs to their room when she realized that both of them are drawn to their own world , it hurt her to see the love that her husband obviously feel for the woman. She suspected that she was a woman who had been a big part of her husbands life , but how about the child? like her mother she's very beautiful like a fairy ,Is she a child of the woman ? if she is then is she a child of her husband ? Thinking about those questions that nobody among the two answers hurt her so bad that a tears roll down her eyes.

If she had been a woman of her husband where she had been ? but she can 't leave him now , she is his wife and whatever relationship they had in the fast was now over , because they are already married and soon they'll have a child of their own . She is the legal wife and her child is the legitimate one not the child of that woman whoever she is.

" I thought we'll never see each other again , and I had moved on with my wife ", Prince explained to Larene and he look at his side and only just now realize that his wife was not standing beside him upon hearing that Larene cried , she feel frustrated when she heard that he already has a wife and she envy her wife for that.

" I was kept in a secret place by my parents and this is our daughter !", Larene explained as she handed him the beautiful girl she was holding in her arms.

" Hello baby ! I'm your dad ! ", Prince heart pounded heavily as he stared at her beautiful daughter she looks more like Larene , the fairy in her was very visible. He kissed her on both cheeks , he had never doubted Larene's words that she is his child.

" Why is it you never took the effort to look for me ? I was expecting for you to look for me but you never came !", Larene asked crying heavily.

" I'm so sorry ! but I don't know where to look for you , Mt. Canla is a stranged land for me eventhough they claim I belong there , still I am not familiar with that place and I don't have the power to transport ", Prince tried to explained that Larene nodded and agreed to his words.

" Why you didn't wait for me? Sultan had already told you that I will come out in the right time ", Larene told him.

" Yeah , I heard that , but I don't know what to expect and I am half human I have needs ", Prince explained further.

" We can still be family , you can have the bestof both worlds ", Larene said.

" But how? I have a wife now and soon will be a father again ", Prince said.

" We can get married at the other world , your married in here but you are not in Mt. Canla , I belong to the other world and I want my daughter to have a complete set of her family ", Larene said .

" Okay , I'll talk to Viviene about this , but I hope she'll understand me but we need to keep your identity secret to her as well , I don't want her to have an impression that we are weirdos ", Prince told Larene.

" Okay , I agree to that !", Larene said.

As Prince talked to Viviene she cried a lot but he explained to her that Larene was his first suppose to be wife but something turned out and now he discovered that they have a daughter and he can not abandon them both.

Viviene did not agree at first but later on she give in because her husband just want to be responsible to his daughter and nothing can change the fact that she is the wife and the legal one.