Chapter 53 : * Remembered Love *

Everything went well which their family thought will never end. Joseph was so happy to see that his mom is back to her old self the happy go lucky person that she had been as a young mom and a loving full of life matured wife to their grandfather and supportive mother yo her children as well as grandmother to her grandchildrens.

Joseph had decided to bring her mother with them to the U.S. , they can't bear to leave her on her own though Prince had decided to stay to take care of the farm and some of the businesses left by his grandfather but they know their son he has a business to take care of and a blooming lovelife to cherish too . Kate was already eighteen years old and few years more and she can take over the business that Prince had left , because he need to prioritize the other over another.

Joseph's mom was very enthusiastic about her new found freedom , that there's no one that will get angry if she comes home late , that she can dance in their zumba group anytime she wants without restriction.

But they were in for another surprised that sunday a year after her husband 's death mom Laly , was found dead because of heart attack. She was brought to the hospital but it had been too late because she was declared dead on arrival, the doctor said that she had been dead for six hours already before she was brought to the hospital.

Joseph can't believe what happened to his parents. The deaths of both his parents had cause him a deep grieving experience.

" Honey , please eat something !", Karen was encouraging her husband.

" No , I am still full ", Joseph said as he push away from him the food on the tray.

" You hadn't eaten since this morning and we are worried about you, please remember that we are still here , don't forget that it will surely break my heart and kill me too if anything happened to you , Maggy is still too young to be left on her own ", Karen reminded her husband.

.." Honey please ! give me some time to grieve for my mother's death , I will never see her again in this life ", Loneliness is in Joseph's voice.

" I know ! I feel the same sadness but I want you to have the energy that you need !",Karen said as she tenderly kiss her husband cheeks.

" Having you as my wife is the best thing that happened to me !", Joseph said as he kissed back his wife.

" We are here to grieved with you , mom had been the best mother in law for me , we'll never forget her or dad , we will always remember and love them in the bottom of our heart !", Karen told her husband as she hugged him lovingly. The only way for her to console her grieving husband is to show him a lot of love and care which she'll never get tired of showing him.

" Thanks honey for being very understanding , don't worry my appetite for food will come back soon if my stomach craved for foods !", Joseph promised.

" Okay , I believe your words and I trust you , I love you honey !", their family is always full of flowery words towards each other eventhough they sometimes feel against it.

anyway there's nothing wrong in assuring that you love them through your words it will makes someone feel good and assured that they are loved and well taken cared of and special..


Viviene saw how the Roxin family grieve over the death of their matriarch. Even Prince who is very manly in all of his ways she had seen him shed tears over the sudden lost of his grandmother. But seeing the smile on his grandmother face after her death assured him that she's happy because they had attained the much awaited justice for his grandfather. She was always laughing and smiling everytime she's infront of other people before she died , her energy is something that the family will surely miss.

The only thing which surprise Viviene is when Prince cried the earth seems to mourn with him because there was a sudden shaking of the ground and one of the nearby volcano has shows some sudden volcanic movements that according to news has eruption tendencies which later had calmed down when Prince calmed down too, is he so special that even volcano mourn with their family? Viviene thought. Ahhh... right now all she have to do is support him in all of his downtime or badtime anyway they had been together during goodtimes too.

She will show him that she can be a great potential wife , being there with him everytime he need comfort from her or take care of him or grieve with him when he needed her most. Viviene don't understand what she feel towards this man but right now what she feel is she don't want to lose him , life without him beside her is doom . This is the first time she felt such strong attraction she felt towards a person. Since the first time she saw him she felt a strong attachment which she feel she can never live without him by his side , she's also wondring why she felt such thing such strong love for him.

They stayed in the big house during the interment of his grandmother til she was buried beside the tomb of her husband.

The death of his grandmother had been easier for them to accept compare to the death of his grandfather because they know she is happy when she died.

" We will go back to the U.S. , do you want to go with us? or you want to stay here?", Joseph asked his son after the burial of his mother.

" I prefer to stay here papa, I will surely miss you all , but right now nobody will be left here to look after the farm and some of the business left by gran here ", Prince decided.

" Okay , how about your wedding? do you want to get married soon? anyway you're already living as though your married why don't you decide to gain blessing for your relationship?", Karen suggested

" I wish we could , but right now Viviene is not yet ready to introduce me to her family ", Prince said which stunned Viviene , she never thought that Prince felt as though she deprived him of the opportunity to know her family personally. He had been in such relationship that his fiancee had kept their relationship from her family too so when the time came that their relationship was discovered it had cause a big trouble , but he don't want also to force Viviene in a relationship that she is not yet ready to bring to a higher level. He on his part had always been honest and open about his family and it was her who was putting a space between them just like what Larene did.

But he will not do the same mistake again of deciding to marry her to make their relationship right . Marriage is a decision which each of them should make , not just his decision or his family decision.

Right now Prince had no idea where Larene is! she just vanish into thin air there were times he remember her he is worried of what happened to her they have no clear talk about their separation , but he had moved on and chosen a human to loved which is Viviene . If ever they met in the future he don't know what he will feel towards her after all of the deceit she had done to him. But of course he feel he was not spare of the same mistake because he had also done something wrong to Viviene also which he know is unforgivable right now but he had no intention of turning his back against Viviene , he know that he had

felt an undeniable attraction towards her since the first time he saw her and that is something so unforgivable if she only knew what he had done just to get her.

" I will always love you !", Prince promised Viviene as she stared at him waiting for whatever he wants to say.

" I love you too , I can't understand what I feel but you are the first one I allowed to possess both my body and mind , without you my life is a big mess ", Viviene said.

" I feel the same too , I hope you will never left me even you'll know the real me but one thing for sure is my love for you will never change ", Prince promised. Viviene nudged his chest , she felt secure everytime she was within his embrace and she always feel loved such feeling of security from him is so rare that she never felt from other men in her life.

She hoped that he will never change , because for her she had no intention of loving other men except him and she wish he felt the same.