

Night had fallen and she had put her to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened. They had crossed paths with Jayden only once. For the rest of the family, she had not seen them. And as she had earlier been told, she did not need to report what she did to either thee batter or the mistress of this household.


Thinking about the mistress made her body shiver. The chills she felt were yet to be determined to be fear or simple dislike. She walked to her room and leaned against the closed door. She heard the flapping of a cape but remained as she was. Felicity did not find any need in raising her head. She had been feeling some discomfort for a while but she did not know why.


A hand was placed on her head making her twitch because she was not expecting it. Feeling cold as thee person withdrew their hand, she leaned in for more. Her body acted on its own but she did not resist. The hand was warm and not as cold as everyone else's. He was the color in her grey world.


For a while she had been feeling that way bit could still not figure out why. Under the hood was a smile. His hand reached for her head again and stoked it. He was happy that she found comfort in him and depended on him as well. He knelt beside her and drew her on a hug. They stayed that way for a while and soon he realized that she was a sleep.


Being a gentleman, he took her to her bed and covered here. He had wanted to leave but realized he could not because she was holding onto his cloak. He tried making her let go but she wouldn't budge. Looking at her defeated, he decided to sit on the floor and watch while she slept. She looked beautiful just as he had first seen her.


He sat and stared at the moon as he remembered how it first happened. Felicity was still young and her mother was still alive. He could not remember how old little Felicity was but what made him stop was how beautiful she was. He had sat down and had watched her play with her friends. He had not known how long he had been watching when white was all he saw.


He looked up only to see a mature Felicity, however, a few she was different from the real one. He looked at her and then at her but his mind could not figure out who she was. She just looked similar to Felicity but his heart did not make wr3d sounds it made when he watched her. Adjusting his sitting position, he continued watching but his line of sight was disturbed yet again. This time, he looked up and waited for her to speak.


Now that he looked keenly at her, she looked pissed for some reason. His head was leaning on the tree he had sat in front of, shifting his head, he looked if the little angel he had spotted earlier was there. Once he had made sure of that he looked back at the fuming inferno before him. A thought occurred to him and he thought that maybe she was mad because of the tree.


He immediately stood up, dusted himself and gestured toward the tree with both hands. Fel8city's mother was taken aback. The first thought that occurred to her after all this while was, "what an idiot." She might have been tempted to laugh but right now was not the best time.


She looked at the spot he had been sitting on and the clothes he was wearing. He was in plain white clothes. He might have been a noble but so far, he had not said anything yet she had been yelling asking why he was staring at her daughter. Could he not hear or could he not understand what was being said?


As she was thinking, he unconsciously sat back down, leaned on the tree and held his legs. He kept observing Felicity as she played but his aura did not reveal any ulterior motive. Felicity's mother concluded that he was simply and idiot and was about to leave when her motherly instincts did not agree with what she was doing.


Now that he thought about it, that first impression of him toward her was… not good. He sighed and lowered his gaze while still remembering of what was left. She had come back and stood in front of him again. Realizing that he had sat back down, he stood up so fast that he hit his head on the lowest branch.


Falling on his knees, he heard a sound he had never heard before. It was her mother laughing, she was no longer able to contain it. He stopped rubbing his head and looked up. Since being in this world, he had never been able to here any sound at all nor had he been able to speak. The ringing of such a sound gave him joy beyond worlds.


"Are you hurt?" he had a softer sound. In his ears, angels had been awaken and were now singing.


He looked at her surprised. Her mother had stopped laughing and was now looking at the two. If Felicity was seeing him, this meant that he was not of this world. It could have also meant…


She decided to watch, just to be sure. He smiled because he could not speak. In his mind he told himself that it was fine although it did hurt. Felicity ran away and disappeared somewhere in the house. His heart twisted in a way that made him feel something he had never felt before. Without knowing this, his hand went and grabbed his chest. He lowered his head.


Tears began falling from his eyes. He could nit described this feeling but one things was for sure. He hated this feeling. He could no longer tell how much time had passed, they could have been mere seconds or a few minutes but for him, it felt like they were long years spent out in the cold. Deciding to leave, he made and attempt to stand.


However, just as he did, something cold was placed on his head. The pounding he was yet to feel from the bruise on his head was cooled. He raised his head up and saw the little angel he had been watching earlier. She was struggling to put it on his head. He knelt and lowered his head. She took his hand and placed it on the ice.


"And now?"


He could not say it but thanked her.


"Your welcome."


Her mother was not sure what was happening when he realized it. He asked if she could hear him and she replied with a simple yes. He looked up and his vision was blurry. This had never happened before and he got scared. She held his hands and wiped them away before giving him a hug. Her mother smiled and held his free hand and showed him how to hug back.


"Promise me you will take care of her and you can stay with her forever."


He had made the promise but because of that incident he now looked like this.