All she needs to do now is to put that trigger on Dane, and there's no perfect thing to trigger him sexually but a game of words. Then, Dennise's lips stretched into a sly smile with her thoughts.

Dennise already got it all sorted, she prepared the rooms, but she left the room which Dane was supposed to occupy as planned, unprepared. No bedsheet covering the bed, not even a pillow, and a blanket. However, before that, she also made sure to treat her friends with some drinks.

With this, she made a special cocktail for the ladies, for Ella and Yden. It was the first time she did it. However, she made sure that it would be safe for her friends to take. She studied about it and even asked her brother for assurance. 

After mixing the special cocktail, she also ensured that the tablet she put on Yden's and Ella's drink was completely dissolved before she offered it. 

'It was just a simple sleeping pill anyway. It won't harm them,' Dennise thought.