While waiting for the man to gather up all of their accomplices, Aectaeon chose to sit on a wooden chair and contemplate his plans moving forward.
He had abandoned the train haphazardly. Also, he became focused on getting as far away as possible from the Council Headquarters. As a consequence, the stops he had taken were less than what he could count with his fingers.
Safe to say, Aectaeon was, yet again, moving according to his intuition.
What a stubborn man.
As soon as he was seated, Aectaeon raised his portable device and opened his notes. It had been nearly half a day since he had seen it.
{-{ 1. Reach the Headquarters as soon as possible. }-}
{-{ 2. Attend the Gathering }-}
{-{ 2.1. Ask the other Mentor Meisters and Grand Meisters about what they know about the Crimson and Reveron League.
{-{ 2.2. Ask other Meisters to participate in annihilating the Crimson League (include Mentors and Grand Meisters }-}