Game World 2: M O B I L E   D E M O N S : F O R E S T   J _ _ E _ (82)

Aectaeon and his group weren't the least covert in their approach. 

They could hear the merriment of the thugs from a hundred meters away. The longer the day went, the louder they became. 

The thugs, who were now identified as members of the Reveron and Crimson League, began terrorizing the area four months ago. At first, it was only the Reverons who would come and torment the citizens. 

However, just this month, their group started to grow with the addition of the Crimsons. It was primarily because of the undergoing negotiation to unite the two leagues. 

Rather than just peacefully going to the taverns, the thugs would bully the citizens for their money. They even went as far as taking the women away to enjoy themselves. They would steal the portable devices of many, transferring all of the Gold Coins and Demons to their own.