1st Recursion: Hamlin County (31)

"Your Grace, I apologize for our belated arrival," Hamel shouted from afar as he did his best to run. 

Once the Obelisk Sorcerers had arrived within the vicinity of the cottage, they were all gasping for breaths. Two of them even collapsed on the ground, looking debilitated as they should be. 

Ilya stared at them with her furrowed eyebrows. She quickly took her gaze off of them, whispering her disbelief of just how inept they were in physical activities. 

For a short while, Ilya simply stared at the exterior of the cottage. She was joined by the Obelisk Sorcerers once they had partially recovered. 

By virtue of the lack of Manna in the surroundings, it made them all the more suspicious of what was within the cottage. It was natural that there were some areas where Manna could not be harnessed.