1st Recursion: Hamlin County (32)

No sooner than a second Ilya opened her eyes to a comforting darkness. 

The barrier created by the Obelisk Sorcerers emitted a gentle aura. It served as her comfort while her own body was attacking her consciousness. 

Ilya's left eye was completely ensanguined. Her entire eye socket looked like it was an endless pool of blood. In the middle of it was her pearl-white iris, seemingly obstructed by a translucent smoke. 

Her right eye socket was just…

… Darkness. 

There was nothing else, not even her iris. 

Soon, Ilya began crying blood from her left eye, black tears from the right. 

Her countenance expressed not a single indication of how much pain she was in. For a brief while, she didn't make a single move. She just stood there with her eyes fixated at the narrow entrance to the cottage. 

In a moment, Ilya opened her mouth. She drew the slightest of breath, anguished but insouciant.