Kyros’s Leadership

The roars and hiss only added to the fear and hesitation that the group had while running in the dark. The knights even wanted to ignite their torches.

"Keep it dark! Remember the plan! Use one eye to fight and another to see in the dark when I undo the fire of this torch!" Kyros chastized as he noticed it.

There were numerous paths that the group was hesitant on which to go. Worse still were the loud howls of various monsters echoing out around the halls that made them afraid to run into another group of lizards.

"Uncle! You decide! Your Warrior's Instinct has awakened!" Kyros shouted.


"Decide whatever path! If there are enemies, we mow through them! We have to keep moving!" Kyros shouted.

Aron finally agreed and picked a path to move. The group followed Aron's lead.

Kyros didn't know just how many enemies there were, and from what he could tell, the place was a maze. They might end up facing another horde if they carelessly picked a path leading to the temple.