Kyros’s Charge

The knights were very thorough in building the blockade. After Kyros's instructions, the group ran back and brought in more of the Lizards they killed on their way to the room to add to the dead bodies they already had found in the room.

The plan was to plug the entire narrow path with the bodies of the lizard. The narrow path could only fit two or three people to pass through simultaneously, but that meant that two lizards would find it hard to move inside and would already be bumping into one another.

This narrow path was now plugged with the bodies of the lizard. The knights followed Kyros's instructions to ensure that no gaps in between these bodies would exist.

"The path should stop the charge of a platoon of knights like Uncle Aron!" This was Kyros's instructions. And so the knights quickly labored and stuck the tails, bodies, and decapitated limbs of the lizard into whatever gap there was.