To Shield the Golems

Kyros explained the tactic to Stoph while firing several arrows in his attempt to get used to his dark arm and the arrow. His previous life had trained him in various disciplines of combat. Although he had not mastered the bow as he did with his sword, it was still superior to an average archer.

The bow and arrow used were made from a strange wood that Kyros realized was a Grook Brown Lumber. This was one of the trees needed in his Temple!

And while this raised various questions, Kyros focused on the task on hand. The bow and the arrows that he had were strong enough to damage Clay Golems. While he hadn't seen these arrows strike a Clay Golem, he was sure that it was this strong. Since his arrangements placed the Iron Golems on the front and he had already broken through the front line and attacked the Lizardman archer before they could fight back. The fact that the lizardmen even made that arrangement to attack the golems proved that their arrows were effective.