To Talk with the Golem King

Kyros was still in a daze at what he saw. The vision was so outstanding that he was stunned in shock. Even the sight of all the Golems kneeling towards him didn't seem to have brought Kyros out of his shock.

"Calaminus... Did you see it?"

"If by it, you mean, the psychedelic acid trip were we saw strange, powerful beings that surpassed the gods and fallen, that war and the cryptic message... then yes..." Calaminus trembled.

His soul could be sensed by all those large beings who looked down on them and judged them.

"That place... It felt like it was beyond the heavens. Where was that?"

"West Virginia."

"Where is West Virginia?"

"I don't know where that was! I was being sarcastic! Wherever or whenever that was, it was something I haven't seen or been through! It existed outside of our time. That place where we have defied the very laws that this entire universe was built upon!"

"It existed outside of our time?!"