Never Disappointed

When Kyros explained his third demand, Mardock charged and wanted to kill Kyros.

With a simple slap, the king sent Mardock flying.

"Cornerstone, my concern is that this body that Mardock has. It won't be easily formed." Petra explained.

"Don't worry. I hold another power apart from this. You have seen how I could casually bring out items from thin air. Stoph and your golems could attest to the miraculous power of it."

"Indeed. Cornerstone can pull weapons out of thin air, and he could even make objects disappear." Stoph confirmed.

"Trust me, but the body that he built over the years will definitely be something that can still help you. Beyond this city, towards the place where we came from, is another legacy of the beings that created this place. The Nephilim Sealing Temple!"

"That has been mentioned by the beings that created us. It is one of the things that we are also protecting!" Petra was amazed.