Making the Viscounts Wait

Gradier and the three viscount groups finally reached the outpost.

The gate of the outpost and the sides had shown signs of a battle. Few people were standing on top of the towers inside the outpost.

"Who goes there?!" One of the people in the tower called out.

The towers were dim, and the only torches that were lit up were the ones on the sides of the wall. As such, the group couldn't see who was standing on top of the tower.

"That voice sounds quite young." Esmeralda frowned.

"This place has been attacked. Look. There are even corpses outside..." Querk pointed at the nearby corpses.

"The vampire attacked here?!" Gradier was amazed.

"Identify yourself, or we will shoot! Vampires have attacked this place!" The voice warned.

"Vampires? Then why have you not lit up the tower?!" Esmeralda questioned.