The Truth of the Will of Fate

Kyros stood up and gathered the energy in his hands as he slowly walked towards the orc.

Each step he took became slower and slower as pain appeared on his face.

"Kyros!" Diana shouted.

There was no one else there to save them.

Avary, Scarlet, and Grugnyr were as close to death as they ever were. Martha was also frantically expending her Force energy by using explosive force attacks.

But Diana could not take another step. This was her limit. The power and malevolent energy that assailed her mind were too much.

Soon, the form of the woman was complete. She was blood red, but her figure looked so life-like.

"It's not her. Good." Kyros noted as he took a closer look at the form of the succubus.

The orc laughed as he watched Kyros's pale expressions and took several steps closer.

"Do you see the majesty of my queen?"