What Diana Shouldn’t Know

Kyros sent his Coven to go around the place.

The Dark Link allowed Kyros to use his powers to see what his Coven could see in real-time. They also now could send messages to each other. But the line got so loud because it was all being broadcasted with each other.

Kyros got so annoyed that he paused and fiddled in his Soul Console for a few minutes.

Once more, Kyros amazed Calaminus with his impressive programming skills.

Kyros programmed and altered the means of how the Dark Link allowed communication.

"Coven of the Nephilim Chat Group...?" Martha read the notification that appeared on her mind.

She selected yes, and a screen opened up.

"Hi... This is Lord Kyros. Please follow the installation wizard and key in your username." A message appeared. The avatar of the messenger was a picture of Kyros doing a simple pose.