Understanding Hyperion’s Code

Aron was immersed in a strange world.

A strange figure stood before a gigantic object. The object hovered alone in space, and this figure was even smaller than the smallest speck when compared to this gigantic object.

Aron perceived that the object was a planet. But it was strange. It was as if stars, planets, various Yggrassils, other worlds divided into realms, and all forms of heavenly and unheavenly bodies were compressed into one large object.

The figure stood and raised his arm. 

"Let there be Sword force." The man declared.

All of a sudden, strange energy formed in his hands, and it became a sword.

"Let the concept of Cut be created. Let all of creation be disconnected from each other. Let that which is one be many and let life form separately." The man spoke and swung his sword.

As the sword was slashed, the entire universe trembled.