Before the Main Body

From the purest darkness that made up space that covered the entire universe, the brightest light shone.

It only appeared for a split second as Kyros felt his entire body being drained of his magic pool. The Fallen Source of Kyros was also being drained.

The Fallen Source that Kyros had was also used up. As a result, his 152 points dropped to 6 as the conversion ate up a huge amount of his darkness. 

Kyros was without Force energy, magic, Ancient Source, and his Fallen Source was almost spent. If he lost these six points, he would die from losing all energy in his body. With very little energy left, Kyros lost his balance and fell.

The first thing Kyros did was look at the form of Blood Calamity.

"Still alive?!" Kyros cursed. 

"That woman took the Kyriacho's dark-turned-light and still survived!" Kyros began to crawl towards the woman slowly. 

"Kyros! You're back!" Calaminus was relieved.