Dragon Hybrid

It was as if Destiny welcomed Martha's challenge.

The moment she released the power of Fate Challenger, Destiny triggered the sudden collapse of the floor.

There were no earthquakes, but the entire floor just caved in, revealing deep darkness underneath.

"Protect Lady Martha!" Hunter cried out as the three rushed to protect her. 

As the floor started, Martha immediately drew her bow and launched an arrow with a metallic wire attached. This was one of her prepared arrows in case she needed to make a quick escape.

She used just enough force energy so that the arrow would pierce deep into the wall.

The Three H's was already near Martha when the entire ground beneath them opened up.

"Grab on!" Martha called out, and the trio jumped and clung to Martha as the floor collapsed.

"Move your head away from my chest, you dimwit!" Martha cried as they fell.