Dragon Descendant

Martha smiled as she saw the notification. She knew she had it in her.

The power to scale and acquire blessings and receive the power to acquire Job classes was made possible to her, thanks to her Coven leader.

Ninja's was a job class that was only present in the Midlands. The resource of acquiring it was so great. Apart from the various blessings archers should have, Ninjas also need formidable sword skills and normally require the Quick Blade job.

Yet for Martha, Fate Challenger became the key as she could break through the limitations that the grand seal the gods and fallen has set to limit mortal progression.

Her dexterity was high, and with the added bonus of the Coven and her manipulation of Force, she was able to achieve it finally.

The dracanae all began to change their tactics at the last second. She was too fast, and many of the dracanae sensed that they would die through their Path of Combat.