Dragon Damaging

It was impossible for the three H to create more dracanae ghouls.

Martha's original plan was to increase their power by a little bit by turning the dracanae ghoul into their own minions.

Fate was even prodding her in that direction, and Martha followed despite it being the illogical option.

She knew that the group could only convert one or two dracanae due to the limited amount of blood and dark energy they could absorb. She even assumed that they could only turn one as the worst-case scenario.

But this was Fate's prodding. She also found a means to delay the dracanae, but then those five appeared.

But what she didn't know was that her specific desire was already coming true when she sent the three to search for dracanae.

The pair was confused.

"Trust you? Brother... You mean?"

"I feel like I have some understanding of Fate. Please. We have no time!"