About Martha’s Stats

The two Gravity Field magic was launched and not only did the area of effect widened, Martha felt that it actually increased the effects of the first spell.

But Martha could tell that the effects only increased the gravity by two folds in addition to the ten folds that it originally was. Gravity was twelve times heavier, which made Martha fire more and more arrows as she began to expend her Dark Force energy.

The dracanae began to roar angrily as more and more rocks fell.

But Martha kept attacking and attacking, and finally, a large portion of the tunnel caved in and began to fall.

"Let's go!" Martha ordered, and the group ran as the stones even began to fall from where they stood.

The entire tunnel was getting buried, and the group ran quickly.

"That was amazing!" Hemsey cheered. With such collapse, it was finally possible for them to escape.