Certain Identity

The Lizard race was present within the Lowlands. It was, however, a threat to the far western regions of the Lowlands. As such, the only time's Lizard Men were seen near the Airom region were slaves. And they would be top-quality slaves.

"A lizard captain?"

"Father. I believe that there could be a portal of some sort down this mountain. We saw armies of Lizards. We only brought these three for evidence. But if you journey two days march down this cave, you would soon encounter those beasts! The lizardmen controlled these large lizards and even organized them. They had weapons, bows, and ranks. The vampires that went after us were too strong. But they all were massacred by a Lizard Champion. That's how we survived! We managed to kill this Captain as evidence. I hope you will all believe me!" Branze revealed.

The words of Branze drew a commotion.