Prepare the Carriage

No one understood what happened.

They knew that Kyros and Gojirrah were possessed as they could see the Time Core lighting up and emitting energy. There were also the dark powers that appeared earlier.

What many didn't notice was that when Gojirrah rushed in to grab the Time Core, he discreetly handed Kyros the seed of a Pungent Shackling Poison Fruit, which he had taken secretly when he excused himself out. This was the same seed that Calaminus revealed to be a remedy to many poisons if the seed itself would be removed.

With the ability of that seed to disperse poison, Kyros and Gojirrah were immune to the poison of the Nerve Numbing Paralysis bomb and the Force Inhibiting Poison bomb.

Calaminus continued to give an awesome speech to which Kyros and Gojirrah had no choice but to follow the iconic speech of a certain violet and red-haired duo.

Komodo Dragon was trying his best to harness his force energy, but even his nerves were paralyzed.