War to Love

Mechiel's appearance was startling to Kyros. He was stunned that she had appeared and even so, as a part of Martha's team.

The moment he saw her, a lot of thoughts began to race in his head. He knew that Fate would lead her to him and even expected to see Mechiel in a way that he wouldn't expect. But seeing her still made him so frozen and shocked that he forgot all about his father's love song and his parts and special gestures.

"Ground Control to Nephilim Kyros." Calaminus called out again.

Kyros was finally called out of his trance.

"Boy, you really like her, huh." Calaminus teased.

"Hrm. This is problematic. I can't believe I zoned out. The Blood Calamity must be in her somehow. My greatest worries have proven true."

"What are you talking about?" Calaminus asked in confusion.

"Was my reaction logical?" Kyros asked.