It is Time...

The bombardment to the front was causing the shadow armies to have a hard time breaking through.

The Commander didn't give other directives and allowed the shadow forces to keep on moving.

"Let's see how long those mages can keep this up." The Commander observed. His expressions grew sour as he could see that the surviving Champions were doomed to die as they faced the Coven.

"They are... vampires?!" One of the Champions next to him exclaimed.

"It seems that they are not a group of Holy practitioners. There is a darkness within them that does not only sping from the artifacts that that boy wields." The Commander frowned. Once more, his expectations were proven to be false. It wasn't just Kyros's bizarre suit that created the darkness. He then gave a closer inspection at Martha. He thought that Martha was just a special case as someone who cultivated in the assassin's Path. 

At that moment, the enemy Champions behind Kyros were finally killed.