Abandoning His Allies

Mezal and the Champions were using their life-consuming techniques.

Aron had failed to hold the line as bats, and the Blood Clone of the Vampire had moved, and more bats were also flying in. As the fight progressed, more and more of the bats would move inside.

And Martha was captured.

When the fight began, Destiny had decided what to do and how to find Kyros should the smallest counters of Fate begin.

But none happened, whatsoever. 

"What is this, Fate? You hid the Nephilim from my eyes, and he does not intend to save them? How foolish. If he plans to ambush the Source of Darkness, it will do him no good! Will he really sacrifice those people he loved in that timeline?" Destiny frowned.

Kyros was indeed far away from any of his loved ones in the realm of where the Fight of the Middle was happening.

As the Beings that Were had deduced, Kyros had no plans to save any of them.