Abandoning the Body

As Neteri escaped, Faye saw that numerous allies had arrived. 

"I'll take Father-In-Law. Get the bodies of your siblings! It's still possible to save them through the Temple!" Martha suddenly appeared next to her and grabbed Mezal before flying with incredible speed towards the Temple. A strange layer of time magic followed her. She was headed for the Temple. She knew that it was dangerous to pass through the Separated Realm at the current state of Mezal.

Faye instantly moved and flew towards where her siblings fought and sought their bodies.

Kyros stood at the entrance of the Temple and watched. He saw Martha arrive and quickly placed Mezal's body on the Temple.


With a mighty leap, Reptilia landed and was carrying the unconscious body of the limbless Aron.

Gojirrah landed as well, bringing a dried-up body that belonged to the Vampire Commander and the weapons that the Vampire Commander had.