Time to Apologize

Deep inside the Dark Dome...

Darako was relieved to see Qara quietly sitting there. The wyvern was not trashing about angrily but was seated quietly, not even showing the rage she did earlier.

But as Kyros predicted, it was because she was overthinking. 

Many did not learn the words of the whelp dragon that shouted in Dragon Tongue. In fact, only she understood it. And the contents of Puff's words were accurate.

Pyrestarter was angry at the Necromancer, and it had been the source of many conflicts. But what made it worse was that the Necromancer showed no remorse and kept on bothering the Pyrestarter with his flirtatious words. It was this that made Pyrestarter want to attack ahead of everyone else, hoping that the powers of the Nephilim that he would devour would be greater. And even when the Nephilim was showing powers beyond his estimation, he kept fighting.