Words of Pride

The Blood Calamity cursed as her powers couldn't manifest at the very last second.

Due to her connection with Mechiel, it was impossible to entice Mechiel with the power of Charm. It would be tantamount for using Charm on herself.

"Hmph! I'll get you someday!" The Blood Calamity stood next to Mechiel as she glared at Kyros.

"That form looks very beautiful. I can't wait for Mechiel to grow!" Kyros admired.

"But... now let's focus, shall we? Blood Calamity. If we do this together, you could have an understanding of wielding the Celestial Code. My attempt earlier was a poor, poor imitation. I couldn't even use those magic to attack. I was only able to draw them to me. So I need your help. Lend me your powers. Allow me to experience what the true powers of the Charmed Fallen are. I lack practice after all." Kyros chuckled.