Becoming a Force to Be Feared

The sudden punch of Hunter shocked everyone, including the Champions around them.

The five Emberdons could only sigh as they saw it.

"Lord Kyros really values his Coven. Especially with all that HR thing, he thought us..." Faye chuckled.

"Right. He won't allow Hunter, who is now part of the Steele family, to be insulted like that." Ressi shook her head.

The Barbarian Champion was thrown back from Hunter's sudden cheap shot.

"Champion!" The Viscounts saw the attack and shouted and rushed to attack.


The Champion recovered from the punch and landed on his feet. He was clutching his jaw, and blood was trickling down his mouth.

Various expressions were seen as they saw the Champion wounded!

"Champion Bastark is wounded? That punch..." The Champion lancer that approached was shocked.